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Esmè and Warren had been trying to make it work for the sake of their baby. Both of them knew they wanted the best for the baby.

Esmè knew she never had the perfect family growing up. She knew she had her mum. But she never knew her dad. Which deep down hurt her. That's why she and Warren wanted different for their baby.

That morning, Esmè walked into the kitchen. She saw Warren sitting there. She smiled. "You left me in bed. Do you realise how rude that is?" She asked as she looked to him.

Warren smiled and kissed her. "Sorry babe. Thought I'd make you some breakfast. Gotta keep your strength up for our baby," he said.

"You don't have to. I'm capable of making my own food," Esmè told him.

"Sit down. Shut up. And eat your breakfast. Cause I won't make it again," Warren said. He smiled to her. "You and the baby. You're my everything."

Esmè looked to him and placed a hand on his cheek. "We love you too. You're an amazing daddy."

Warren took her hand. "We've got this. I know we have."

"I know."

Esmè walked out into the village. She saw Hannah and smiled. "Hey. How's you? I heard arguing last night. Is everything okay?" Esmè asked.

"Yeah. Poppy spilt juice on the floor and Patrick snapped at her. He's never done that before so I had to sort that," Hannah said.

Hannah smiled. "Is Poppy okay?"

"She's fine. Patrick has taken the day off to make it up to her. She's lapping up the attention. Are you excited to have toddler tantrums?" Hannah asked as she looked to her.

Esmè shrugged and smiled. "I am and I'm not. I just don't want my baby growing up like me. Without a dad. I love my mum. I just missed out on having a dad. And I think that affected somehow," she told her.

Hannah smiled. "Believe me. Having a dad isn't all it's cracked up to be. My dad used to sleep with my so called friend who ended up sleeping with Patrick. So dads aren't all they're made up to be."

"You did okay though."

"Yeah I know. How's it going living with Warren? I know living with a man is hard," Hannah said.

"Surprisingly it's going well. It's early days. But I want it to work. We've both been through so much," Esmè said.

Grace looked up as Warren walked in. She rolled her eyes and sighed. "Can I help you?" She asked.

"You need to stay out of my relationship with Esmè. We're happy together. And I don't need your threats," Warren said.

Grace smirked. "You say that, but what would my daughter say if she knew that there was something between us? I mean, we may not have slept together. But there's a spark with us."

Warren scoffed. "I will never touch you with a barge pole. I'm in love with Esmè. And nothing is going to change that."

"We'll see."

But Warren had no idea how his relationship with Esmè was about to come crashing down around them.

A sexy affair *Hollyoaks*Where stories live. Discover now