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Esmè knew how she was having doubts about Grace. She couldn't help but think her mum was up to something.

She knew Grace didn't like Warren. But she had hoped the fact that she was having a baby would change that. Clearly she was wrong.

She hated the tension between them. She couldn't help but worry that even the birth of her baby wouldn't change anything.

She wanted it to be all okay. But she has doubts.

All she knew was that things were a complete mess. And she wanted nothing more than for things to be simple.

Morning came and so Esmè woke in bed next to Warren. She looked to see him sitting on his phone.

Esmè took the phone from him and smiled. "I'm the mummy of your baby. I need your undivided attention," she told him.

Warren smirked as he looked to her. "You've always got my attention baby. You and the demon spawn you're growing," he said.


Esmè straddled him and looked into his eyes. "I want you to promise me something. I want you to try and get along with my mum. You're both my family. And I want you to get along. I'm having a baby. And I need you both to get along," she told him.

Warren sighed and nodded. "I can't promise. But I'll try. That's something I can promise," he said as he kissed her neck.

Esmè nodded. Knowing it was better than nothing.

Esmè went out into the village. She saw Hannah and walked over. She sighed. "I made Warren promise he would try with my mum. I don't know if it will work though," she said.

Hannah smiled. "They should both try. You're having a baby. And you don't need this stress," she told her.

"I'm glad you can see it. I just... I love them both. And I want simple. Not complicated. How am I meant to have this baby if my boyfriend and my mother cannot get along?" Esmè said.

Hannah nodded. "I know babes. You just have to keep talking to them. To get them to see sense," she told her.

Esmè walked into the club with Hannah. Grace looked to her. "Can I help you?"

"Yes. You can try and make an effort with Warren. I'm having a baby. And I don't need the stress of it."

Grace sighed. "I said I was going to try didn't I? I can't stand the bastard. But I will try," she told her.

Esmè scoffed. She smiled. "Somehow I don't believe you," she told her.

Grace smiled as she walked into the office. Knowing she didn't want Warren in Esmè's life. Wanting to get him away from her.

Esmè walked back into the flat. She saw Warren and sighed. "I've talked to my mum. She will try. You need to try as well," she said.

"I know babe. I don't need you to keep going on at me," Warren said.

Esmè rolled her eyes. She looked to him. "Babe. I'm having a baby. And I don't know how I'm meant to have a baby with all this stress."

Warren looked to her. He pulled her close and kissed her. But would they make it work? Or would Grace find a way to come between them.

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