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I dedicate this one shot to crazyhealingunicorn . Darling, im sorry for the late update. I was damn busy and im gonna enter my uni life soon! Hope this goes well!


*Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you!*

Finally im officially 15! Yeay!!

"Happy birthday sweetheart! Now make a wish and blow your candles!" my mum said.

"I wish i will meet a unicorn in real life!" i said it in my heart and blew the candles.

"Yeay!! Happy sweet 15, (y/n)! Next is my turn to celebrate!" Mimi, my bestfriend hugged me.

"Thank you! Yup its on next week! Cant wait!" i said.


*alarm ringing*

"Hmmm wuaaa. Im sleepy. What time is it? Oh Shit!! Im damn late for work!" i get out of my bed and head to the showers.

After showering, i dressed up as quickly as i could.

"Oh great! I have 10 more minutes!! I gotta run!" i zommed fast to work.


"Phew! Just on time!" i entered the building and heard some noise from my office!

*shhh she's coming! Act normal!"

"Erm... Guys? Whats happening? Where's my boss?" i asked in a weird way.

"(y/n)? Come to my room please!" my boss called me.


"Y-yes, boss? I-im s-sorry if im late..." i looked to the floor in fears.

"No no no. I just want you to meet our new employee, Lay! Mr. Lay, this is my PA, Miss (y/n)." my boss introduced me to the new worker.

I looked up and saw... Lay! The person i adore since high school! People always call him Unicorn!

"L-L-Lay???" i shuttered till he came for a handshake.

"Hi, (y/n). Nice to meet you!" Lay said and i accepted his handshake.

"Ni-Nice to meet you too. Im sorry i have work to do!" i wanted to leave the room but he pulled me instead.

"Dont worry, (y/n). Lay told me and everyone of us that you're his girlfriend. He just wanted to give you a surprise since he havent met you for a couple of years." my boss exclaimed.

"Yes, (y/n). I miss you so much!" Lay said and winked his eyes.

"I-I.. I miss you too, Lay.. Erm welcome to EZ corporation!" i tried to change the topic.


Lay aimed for a kiss on my lips! Everyone had eyes on us including the cleaner! I was soooo emberassed!

"Ok love birds! Im missing my wife already! Lets get to work! (y/n), please show Lay what he should do ok? I leave it all to you. You can leave now." my boss dismissed us.

From that day on, my life was totally complete! I found my real own unicorn! I would never waste my life again!


There you go, crazyhealingunicorn! Hope yoy like it! BAP's DaeHyun is next! Stay tuned! :)

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