Chapter 4

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"It's a girl."

Hayley smiled brightly at the witch who held a necklace over her. She slowly sat up.
"I take it she's healthy then?"

"As healthy as any demon child can be."

"Perfect. I'd better go, Rebekahs waiting for me outside, in the car."

The witch nodded and turned her back for a moment. She got up and watched her carefully, as the witch rapidly turned and attempted to inject her with something.

Hayley grabbed her hand and turned it back around on her, stabbing her and running out of the back door as fast as she could.

Soon after she heard footsteps behind her and spotted Rebekah with her neck snapped in the car.

"Damn it, not again!"

She ran down, deep into the bayou where she knew Jackson would be.


He turned from facing the water to look at her and shook his head.

"No, I'm not helping you. You're literally Satan spawn!"

She frowned and her eyes widened.

"You're afraid of me..?"

"Yes, Hayley! I am!"

She shook her head and continued running, eventually getting out of their sight, hiding behind a thick tree.

Her eyes pooled with tears as she wiped them, picking up a thick piece of wood and holding it close to her for protection.

She waited for a few minutes, then heard foot steps slowly approaching.

She jumped out from behind the tree, thrusting the stake toward the footsteps, only for her hand to be grabbed and stopped.

"Forgive me, I thought you were in danger."

She smiled in relief at Klaus and hugged him tightly. At first he was taken aback, but then proceeded to hug her back.

"You would not believe the bad week I'm having."

"I know, two attacks in two days? He's getting desperate. We need a plan of action."

"I have an idea. Lucifer said I can stay it his for the time being. We just won't tell anyone I moved out and I'll stay indoors."

"And you'd be willing to do that?"

"Of course. I trust him."

Klaus took a deep breath and nodded.

"Well then we'd better get back home and start packing your bags. Come along little wolf."

They headed back to the car where Klaus laid Rebekah in the back seat, and began driving home.

A few hours later, Lucifer left his game of monopoly with Trixie and Chloe to answer the door, finding Hayley stood there with a bag.

Hayley MorningstarWhere stories live. Discover now