XXVIII. What Truly Happened? (Part 1)

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I sat down on my bed, face in my hands as I was deep in thought. One of the biggest parts of human lives is the existence of a thing called regret. It didn't matter who you are. In one way or another, you regret something, or have regretted something.

But, then everyone tells you to live life without regrets. In that case, if life were a test, I'd have failed terribly. That isn't to say that I failed at life, but rather, I failed at a large aspect of it. Why might I be thinking this, you ask?

Because I regret the things in my life that led to my loss of voice. But at the same time, it's that loss that brought me where I am. Dad no longer bothering me and mom for reasons I'm not entirely sure of. At a school where I no longer have anything to worry about since Raven's disappearance.

Possibly dating again.

A week ago, I would've passed it off a mere dream that I'd never be able to accomplish.

But even dreams come true, you know.

I thought to myself, mostly referring to my chance at having a proper voice. It's Everything I've wanted, all given to me in the span of two or three weeks. The only problem? 3 out of 4 of those things are actually done. The fourth...

I want a voice, but I also don't want to be poked and prodded by so many needles. Look, this is a totally rational fear... I mean, it's a totally reasonable reason to not get surgery. I mean, after all, what if I regret that too?

It should be a simple decision, right? So, why am I struggling to make it so much?

A knock on the door made me look up before walking over to it. I opened the door to find Kate standing there. She looked at me a soft expression. It took me a moment to realize that she had a plate in her hand.

"Judging from your expression, I'm guessing that you're still worried about that," she asks, putting a bit of emphasis on the word. As for why she didn't just say that I'm worried about whether to go with the surgery or not instead of just saying "that", I know not.

I gave a nod in response to her question. She placed a hand in my hair and patted me softly. "Think about it this way," she says before pulling me close to her. "If you don't skip out on the chance, how much easier will things be?"

I looked away in response to that. It wasn't as if I hadn't thought about it, but, rather I was scared. Kate seemed to understand from my expression.

"Miko," she calls my nickname. A version of my name that I haven't heard very often. "Even if you do get a voice again, just know that you don't have to always use it."

I couldn't help but agree that this was a good point in the argument. I gave a nod in response as I leaned against her touch.

"Whatever choice you make. I'll always be by your side," she whispers in my ear, making me smile softly. I do indeed feel quite safe around her... safe enough to let my guard fall around her.



One thing I'll never understand about Sumiko is how much she sleeps. I've practically lost count of how many times she's fallen asleep in my presence. "But it's fine," I muttered to myself as I set her down on her bed. "Because she's so damn cute."

I smiled at that as I left the room slowly as to not wake her. Though, to my surprise, standing there, leaning against the wall was Miko's mother. "You really care for her, huh?" She asks me, her usual cheery smile on her face.

"Yeah," I tell her in response, my gaze to the floor. "She's so sweet and caring herself... I don't understand why she gets bullied so much..."

"I've told you why," she tells me with a frown. I bit my lip before giving a small nod in response. She seemed to notice before taking a step towards me. "She trusts you. She feels safe around you. All I ask is that you continue to protect her."

Continue to.

"You say that, but... what I did to protect her... I never should have done that." I tell her. I looked down at the floor, the lower hem of my shirt clenched tightly in my fist.

"I would've done the same thing. That girl knew what she was doing to Su," her mom tells me.

What we're referring to... the things I said to Raven. But it was all for a good cause.

She gave a nod before she started walking away. "Now, how about something to eat to take your mind off of things? Or would you want to make something for Su?"

I nodded in response before asking her a question that's been on my mind for the longest time. "What was Sumiko's last girlfriend like?" I asked. "And how do you feel about her being..." I thought for a moment, not knowing how to phrase the question. "Her being lesbian?"

She dragged a hand through her hair and looked thoughtful at the topic. "This... this is a sensitive topic, y'know. I can't quite tell you without Sumiko's permission."

"What?" I asked in confusion. "What... could be so bad about it if you accepted it?" I couldn't help but shiver at the tone of her voice when she spoke.

"It's... not as bright a story as you would think."

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