I. Another Transfer

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New city, new school, new life.

That's what they always say, right?

Not like I'd know for sure; I spent most of my time in the library at my previous school after all. It was the only place I could be where I didn't have to be with them.

I smiled at the thought of never seeing them again. I slipped into my dark jacket, despite wearing shorts. I've never understood why some people were against that. Though, that is to say that I could never wear such an outfit in cold or rainy weather.

That's just ridiculous.


I looked around my room again, hoping I simply overlooked it. I was starting to panic when my mom opened the door to my room.

She regarded me with warm brown eyes that matched my own. They seemed to glitter in the sunlight that peeked through my open windows.

I bit my lip when she spoke up. "Are you ready?" She asked, looking over at my open backpack. I shook my head quickly, closing my eyes. I tried to recall where I put it, but instead drew a blank.

I sighed at that and reopened my eyes as I took another look around my room.

I looked back at my mom and put two fingers together, as if to hold a pen or pencil. I dragged those fingers lightly across an open palm before putting the ends of my hands together. I put my palms together as well, as if closing a book.

Or, rather, as if to say, "Do you not have your notebook?" My mom asked me, tilting her head. I nodded once, thankful that she understood at least that bit of sign language.

Well, I say this because it was only recently that I became of this state. Unable to speak. It's nothing special enough to warrant its own story though.

At the time of the incident, I was only just starting to learn the unspoken language. Although, that isn't to say that it was the first time I had taken interest in it.

I double checked the places I searched, deeply hoping that I had simply overlooked it. I bring that notebook everywhere, so it's not completely out the window that I might've left it somewhere beyond these walls.

My mom, after watching me double check, spoke up, bringing another idea to light. "Have you checked anywhere else in the house?"

At that, I had to mentally facepalm. Sometimes I have to wonder just where all this idiocy comes from. Wherever it was, it must be an open vault.

One as large as Kirby's stomach for sure.

With that in mind, I hurried out my bedroom and straight to the dining room. I breathed out a sigh of relief when I found my notebook resting on the edge of the table.

It makes complete sense for this to be its location since I last used it during dinner last night. Suddenly, the taste of last night's food filled my mouth.

I grabbed the notebook and picked up the pen that was resting on the floor. It was a ways from my chair and already dust on it.

I wiped the dust off on my shorts and stuffed the pen in my pocket. I hurried back to my room, clutching the composition notebook to my chest a bit too tightly.

I zipped my backpack closed and glanced at the mirror that hung on my closet door. I paused at the sight, staring at dirty blond hair paired with dark eyes.

A few strands hung over my eyes, but were so close that I hardly ever noticed them at all.

I set my notebook on the floor beside my backpack. I reached up and moved those strands to the side. They weren't long enough to reach my ear, so they just fell back in place.

Perhaps I should cut those strands... I thought to myself. As these words flew through my head over and over, I pushed the loose strands to the side and immediately decided against it.

I noticed a scar just above my eye. It reminded me of the of the large scar running across my neck. It was a scar that changed my life. I dropped the strands and pressed a few fingers against the wound.

It hurt still to my surprise. Speaking of which, my mom called my name, asking if I was ready. I looked over at my door, where she stood. Before I could respond in any way, she spoke up again, "You should stop messing with that, before it reopens."

I took my fingers off the scar and nodded. I looked at the floor nervously and walked over to the door, picking up both the notebook and my backpack.

"So, are you ready for your first day at your new school?"

With that, I nodded vigorously.

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