Chapter 5

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It's morning and I wake up next to Luke. He stayed with me. I look at him, a smile on my face.

He opens his eyes and stares into mine.

"Morning, gorgous."

I blush at his words, my voice barely a whisper.


He puts his hand over my cheek, smiling kindly. Then he stretches and get's up.

"When do you have to leave?"

I ask him as I make breakfast while he hugs me from behind, nuzzling his face into my neck.

"In an hour. So we have enough time to eat."

"When will you be back?"

He raises his head. Crap. Is he getting suspicious? I laugh embarrest and put my hand at the backside of my neck, an action I do when I feel nervous.

"I'm, you know... just wanting to plan my day... when I should have dinner ready."

He eyes me for a second before nuzzling his face back into my neck.


"I don't know yet. Around 8 maybe. Hard to tell. It's been quite busy lately."

I nod and turn to him with a smile.

"Food will be ready at 8 then."

With that we head off to the table and start eating. I quickly write Iris a message that he's leaving soon before the guilt overcomes me and I don't write her at all.

He helpes me with the dishes and then get's dressed for work. Before heading out, he gives me a kiss to the forehead.

"See you later, my little angel."

I smile at him, a light blush on my cheeks as he heads out.

I close the door and breathe in deeply to calm myself. Alright time to do this.

I take out my phone and write Iris.

He left.

It takes her 10 seconds to respond.

Good. Let's get this started. I'm gonna tell you when he's out of the building. Get ready.

I reply a quick 'okay' before getting dressed.

I got him. He turned to the left. Come down. Hurry.

I grab my purse and run downstairs, seeing Iris waiting for me and immediatly pulling me down the street. We hide around corners, making sure, he doesn't see us.

He walkes and walkes down the streets, turning often, which makes it easier for us to tail him. Then he comes to a halt at a little park. His gaze scanning the area. Crap. Did he noticed us?

Iris pus her hand calmy over mine and smiles.

"It's all fine. He didn't saw us. Look."

She whispers and my gaze followes hers to Lukes back, standing infront of a dark purple gate. My eyes widen, as I look at a beautiful woman coming out of that gate.

"What the-!"

I started screaming out, Iris quickly covering my mouth with her hand.

"Be quiet!"

She whispers yelling at me. I nod in apology and we look back at the weird couple. They didn't seem to have heared me.


They seem to be talking about something but we can't hear anything. We slowly sneak closer to them.


Her hand touches his cheek as she says this in a kind voice, a smile on her lips.

Neaniskos? What does that mean? Is this... a name? His name? My heart feels like shattering, seing his face brighten up at her touch.

"Been a while Zane. Missed ya."

Tears start forming in my eyes as I watch him pull her into a hug and giving her a kiss on the cheek.

He's cheating on me... he doesn't go to work... he goes to meet her...

I fall to my knees, Iris holding my shoulders in consult.

"Maybe it's not what it looks like."

She says, rubbing circles on my shoulders. Tears streaming down my face.

"Just look at his eyes when he looks at her. Kind. Loving. He never looket at me like this. He never loved me. He just toyed with me."

My voice sounds defeated and weak. I hide my face in my hands, sobbing quietly.

Iris hugs me, trying to comfort me but I feel nothing exept the pain of my heart being torn into pieces.

After a while, Iris speaks up.

"Hey they're talking over something serious. Look."

I look up to see Luke having an annoyed look on his face.

"I told you, I'm working on it."

He crosses his arms.

"You don't take this serious enough Neaniskos! This is no joke! It's the future for the Demonic Realm! You need to take responsibility  being the prince!"

Me and Iris look at each other, our eyes both with fear and curiousity.

Demonic Realm? Prince? What the hell is going on?!

Our attention falls back to their conversation as Luke yells back to her.

"I know I'm the damn prince, Zane! You and father told me this often enough! I said I'm working at it! I can't force her to it! She needs time!"

Her...? She...? Force...? Oh my god... is he talking I turn to Iris, terror building up inside me. She looks at me, worriedly and nods, showing me, she's thinking the same as me.

The woman sighs and lifts her hands up in defeat.

"Fine. Fine. If that's what you think. Just make it quick. We need a leader. And that quick."

She turns around, that gate opening again and stretches out her hand.

"C'mon they're already waiting for us."

Luke sighs but takes her hand and followes her into the dark gate. After they went in, it closes, leaving Iris and me behind, speechless.

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