Chapter 9

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I wake up in the morning, my body feeling sluggish. I look around. Right... I'm at Elliot's place.

Memories of yesterday's events come back to me and I hug my knees, sitting on the bed.


I feel my heart breaking as I whisper his name.

"Tiana? Are you awake?"

I hear a knock on the door and Elliot pops his head into the room. I don't raise my head and I hear him come over to me.

"Tiana... it will all be okay. You don't need him. You will find someone else."

I start sobbing. I don't want any other than him. I want him. I don't care if he's a demon. I love him.

Elliot puts his arms around me and lifts my chin up so I look at him.

"Tiana. You're so beautiful. You will find happiness."

I twist my head out of his grasp and try to get up, feeling uncomfortable but he holds my arm, making me look back at him. He seems... weird...

I'm backing off from him until I hit the wall.

"E...Elliot? Wh..what's wrong...?

He's getting closer to me and I feel my necklace acting up, knowing I have to get away from him and calm myself down but I'm paralyzed in fear of his behaviour and the way he looks at me.

Luke... Luke! Please! Save me! I'm scared!

I scream innerly, squeezing my eyes shut as Elliot holds my wrists and leans in to me.

All of a sudden he's pulled away from me and I feel someone's arms around me protectively.

I open my eyes to see Iris, looking at me.

"Tiana? Are you okay?"

I nod, feeling save now, that she's here.

"What do you think you're doing to my girl?!"

A familiar voice screams, clearly upset. Luke!

Iris lets go of me and jumps towards Luke, pulling him away from Elliot, who he's about to hit.

"Luke! Stop! It's not his fault!"

Luke looks at her for a second and lowers his fist, letting go of Elliots collar and turns around from him.


He says to Elliot, who nods and leaves the room.

I'm left with Iris and Luke, still frightened and confused by what just happend. I look up to Iris.

"Iris... what... what's all this about...?

She looks over to me, worry in her eyes, then her gaze falls on Luke.


He growls slightly, making my heart jump, nodding to her and leaves the room.

"I will wait outside."

She nods and smiles at him, then turns to me, seeing my confusion, she starts speaking.

"A few hours ago, Luke came to my flat..."

She starts explaining the events, that occured after she went home:

Tiana will be save with Elliot. Luke can't harm her there. I let out a sigh in relief and head to bed, tired from the day.

In the middle of the night I wake up, feeling something's off. I look around to see Luke standing infront of me.

I jump off my bed, covering my body with the blanket.

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