Chapter 34

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Hello readers!

Tricked you - there's no chapter 34. Mwahaha! However, I do want to say something.

You may have noted that the last chapter finished on (hopefully!) a cliffhanger. The Sprinter was originally intended to be a trilogy, but I'm not sure I have the energy/effort/motivation to finish it.

I eventually decided (with much prodding from my friends) to make my decision based on you lot - the readers. If you want me to continue, please let me know in a comment!

If not (if you didn't like it or you don't have time to read the rest of the series), I'll change the ending of the last chapter to be more conclusive and leave it there.

This is it for now, but I'm sure more will come if you want to read it. Thank you for your support all the way - seeing new comments and reads made me so happy!


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