it hurts

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MuQing was tossed and chained in a empty chamber. Dark, dirty and disgusting. Obviously no one had cleaned this place for a long time. Definetely not a good place for Xuanzhen who loves to be clean. Muqing curls up in despair and hugs himself. "Why... Why no one believes me.." He shivers at the coldness. The great General Xuanzhen has been weakened greatly after having his spiritual powers sealed. He sniffed , trying to hold back his tears, but failed . And so his tears came out unwillingly. His ankle is still feeling slight pain from the cursed shakle he just received. Muqing gently touch the red spot.

His heart feels heavy, and throat feels bitter. Right now his strength was no different than a normal mortal. "Dianxia... "muqing recalls the looks directed to him earlier. It has always been like this, ever since he was born. Everyone would glare and point at him in disgust . "Child of a sinner... " he mumbles to himself. "I really can't do anything right, trash." he sighed.

The doors opened suddenly, lights blinding his sight. "...fengxin. " he calls out weakly. "shut your fucking mouth ." Fengxin grabs muqing's chin.  "You're really despicable. " he spat. Muqing ignores that and looks away. " is cuocuo? " he asks softly. Fengxin fumed at this question. He yanked Muqing aside . Sounds of chains echoed through the dark , quiet room. "You want to make sure cuocuo is dead? Huh, I'm sorry to dissapoint you. My son is recovering well now, though he's still not awake." Muqing sighed in relieve. "Good, cuocuo's life isn't in danger."

"I'm having one of my junior official to look after you. Muqing, you better not try anything stupid. " Fengxin then closes the door and leaves.

"Nianzhen, thank you for saving cuocuo back there. " Fengxin pats the junior official. "It's nothing General Nanyang, I'm just doing what I should do. " Nianzhen bows. Fengxin finds this junior trustable and loyal, so he decided, to appoint Nianzhen for this job. "Nianzhen, your new job will be this. " Fengxin points at the closed door. "Make sure he doesn't escape, or do anything stupid. Also, the Emperor has stated general xuanzhen will only be released when cuocuo wakes up. Do your job properly until then. " Fengxin bids him good-bye and then left to tend his works in his office. 

Although the chamber Muqing was in is inside Nanyang Palace,  the distance between the chamber and the others, especially Fengxin's sleeping chamber is very far away. So no one really uses that chamber, unless they wish to isolate or be punished.

It wasn't long until someone opens the door again. Muqing tries to adjust his blurry vision to see the man. His eyes widens in shock ,lips trembling. "I-its you..! " he growled. "How Dare you lie like that?! Why did you frame me! " Fists curled up tightly , resisting the urge to punch the man standing in front of his weaken state.

"Hehe, surprise general xuanzhen. I'm Nanyang's junior official ~ Nianzhen." He smirks. "Why I framed you? Hmm maybe to give my general some peaceful days without arguing with you. " he joked. Nianzhen squats down to meet muqing's eye. "Just kidding, u see, actually I planned all of these. " he smiles as he gets closer to Muqing's trembling body. "I wanted to see a weaken and isolated Xuanzhen. " Nianzhen gently takes a few strands of muqing's hair, caressing it then takes it near his face, smelling in the scent and kissing it. Muqing was too speechless to say anything. He wanted to scream, and stab the guy in front of him. But he can't find his voice and strength to do so.

"Do you know? The first time I saw you I was totally enchanted by your beauty. It makes me wonder, why did I became a junior official of Nanyang and not Xuanzhen's? " Nianzhen let's go of the long silky hair to caress muqing's pale cheeks next. "I want you. " he confessed. "I want you to be mine, but that was far from possible. You're a god and im just a junior official, especially when I belong to Nanyang palace." He grits his teeths. "So planned this, to weaken you,to create our time together. Alone." His finger brushes against muqing's dry lips, causing him to flinch. "I don't care if it's temporary, as long as i get to have you, its all enough."

"This guy... Is crazy!! " Muqing had enough , he bites Nianzhen's finger hard in anger. The official retreats his hand quickly and chuckles. "It seems that i will have to dicipline you first." He grabs a whip. The chains on muqing's wrists were liften up, having him no escape as he cannot change his position. Muqing kneels, back facing Nianzhen.   "Nianzhen! Wh—" A whip slashed on this back. Muqing froze on the spot, shaking greatly from the pain. "Was it always this painful? " he asks himself. "No... I've forgotten my spiritual energy was sealed. Even my resistance to pain—" Another painful slash was given to him. He groans with heavy breaths, as tears started to form in his eyes. "Just cry, general xuanzhen. " Nianzhen said as he continues to whip. "Or may I call you 'Qing er'? " he pronounced it sweetly. "...fuck you, you're sickening! " Muqing spat with his broken voice. Nianzhen's expression darkens. His whips are getting stronger. "It seems that... It'll take awhile to have you disciplined. "

Minutes turned to hours, hours turned to days. Whips keeps coming every-day. Screams and cries consistently escapes the closed chamber. Old and new blood stains on every corner, even the iron scent of it are getting heavier. But no matter how bad it gets, it'll never reach anyone's ears. Muqing has grown tired too, physically and mentally.

"Qing er ah. " Nianzhen hugs the pale god on the cold floor. "You must remember, only I, Nianzhen loves and appreciate you. "  He pats the god's head gently. "...." Muqing did not answer. "Taizi Dianxia and General Nanyang, they had always hated you deeply. Do you recall how they looked at you? " he looks straight into muqing's empty swollen eyes. "...a-ah.. " Muqing started hyperventilating. Dissaprovement eyes of every human and god stares back in his mind. His heart tightens in this chest, releasing shaky breaths . "..d-dont hate me don't hate me don't hate me don't hate me—" Muqing grips his messy hair tightly. He slowly curls up into a ball, Nianzhen pulls him to his chest. "Qing er. " Nianzhen comforts him and lifts his chip up. He planted a soft kiss onto muqing's chapped lips. "You will be safe with me,only me."

Tears fell uncontrollably for a few minutes , and soon General Xuanzhen passes out in the junior official's embrace. A smirk spreads across his face.


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