Chapter 2

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Madrid, Spain - 6:00

"The fucker escaped jefe." Armando spoke flatly. Armando Garcia was the underboss of the Galician Mafia and had been recruited at an early age.

He sat in front of his boss- Matias Alvarez. Matias was a hard man who had been groomed his whole life to be the heir of the Galician clan. At 33, he had finally taken power from the father he brutally slaughtered and he ruled ruthlessly.

Matias seemed bored with Armando's information and waved him off, "Let him be for now. I'll deal with him later. We have a bigger issues. The Italians want us to meet because of the late drug shipments. You'll be accompanying me tomorrow."

Armando nodded. "Si Jefe."

Canada - 00:00

I was startled by repeated knocking on my door. I had fallen asleep on the couch. I quickly sat up and searched for my robe before going to investigate. Who'd be knocking down someone's door this early in the morning?

As I proceeded to the door, something occurred to me. They could be a rapist or a murderer...or both. I cautiously pulled back the living room curtains and attempted to look around. It was too dark outside to see anything. The knocking became louder and more aggressive. I huffed, "Who is it?!"

I waited for a response. Nothing.

"I said, who is it?!" Again, nothing.

I rolled my eyes and strode over to the door. I looked through the peephole and there was no one there. What the hell? Was someone trying to prank me?

A week ago I visited Sarah's home and I befriended her kids. I sent her eldest son, Michael, a text and asked if he'd heard any noise in the last 15 minutes.

Nope, not a thing. Should I come over?

I sighed. I couldn't make him leave his house at this hour.

No, its fine Mike. I'll be okay. Have a goodnight...or morning.

I switched off my phone and picked up my books and blankets and proceeded to my bedroom. I didn't like sleeping alone. I'd shared a bed with my mother my whole life so this was going to be a huge adjustment.

I pulled back my curtains again in an attempt to see something...anything but it was pitch black outside. Oh well.
I dropped on the bed and shut my eyes in search of sleep.

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