CHAPTER SIX - Battle for the Throne!

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Synopsis: After a robot family reunion, Chef v1 argues with Chef v3 and v2 to kill their hostages or to not. They have a battle to see who leads the Robot Chef group! Meanwhile, Junior, Jeffy, Cody, and Chef Pee Pee all manage to go the the Bright Base to hide from the robots and prepare for the final battle!

Chef v3: Hello! Welcome to our base! And who might you be.

Chef v1: I... am Chef v1. The first creation!

Chef v2: Wait! You're the first creation? I thought you died.

Chef v1: Well, I am here now. And I brought some of your robot army!

Chef v2: I see!

Chef v1: Now, if you excuse me, *revs chainsaw* I need to kill these bastards!

Chef v3: That wouldn't be necessary!

Chef v1: I b-b-beg your p-p-pardon.

Chef v2: We are not the killing kind, we just need to lock these 4 up, so they won't interfere with our plans.

Chef v1: B-b-b-but, if you don't w-w-want to make them interfere with your p-p-plans, you need to e-e-exterminate th-th-them!

Chef v3: But we need to do experiments!

(The three then argue)

Junior: Come on guys, now that they're arguing, lets bolt!

(The four of them bolted)

Chef v1: Who is the leader around this are-e-e-e-e-ea.

Chef v2: Chef v3 is!

Chef v1: He doesn't even have hands!

Chef v2: Yeah, and I dont have a face! But I am still useful!

Chef v3: Guys! Knock it off!

Chef v1: I bet I could be a better leader.

Chef v3: Oh you wanna go bro!

Chef v2: Sir! You're losing your temper again!

Chef v3: Oh that's right. Deep breaths. *inhale* *exhale*

Chef v2: Better?

Chef v3: Better! Now where were we? Oh yes. Listen Mr. Chef v1, you may be the first, but I am the leader.

Chef v1: Not a good one.

Chef v3: WHAT DID YOU SAY!?!

Chef v2: Chef v3! Deep breaths!

Chef v3: No Chef v2! I know what I'm doing. (To Chef v1) Listen here Mother Trucker, I am the leader, and a good one. Now go do your chainsaw business!

Chef v1: You're not even strong!

Chef v3: I am strong.

Chef v2: Chef v3, you couldn't even fight a cat without my help.

Chef v3: But I am fast on my feet!

Chef v2: Yeah I can't run very fast but I can pack a punch. I'm the upper half, he's the lower half.

Chef v1: So both together are one strong robot.

Chef v2: That is correct.

Chef v1: How about you say we have.. a l-l-little c-c-contest.

Chef v2: Uhhhh.

Chef v3: I'm in!

Chef v2: Chef v3, I don't think thats a good idea!

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