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Synopsis - After Chef v1 wins the battle, Chef v2's fate is to be decapitated by a chainsaw in front of the whole audience. However he manages to escape causing a search party. Meanwhile he finds the SML crew, makes up, and then sets up a team to prepare for Chef v1's attack. Meanwhile, Chef v3's heart has gone missing, it was last seen around Joseph's corpse!

(It starts off back at the base where Chef v1, Chef v2, and the chef robots are at)

Chef Robots: All hail Chef v1! All hail Chef v1! All hail Chef v1!

Chef v1: Th-th-thank you! N-n-now, I would like to thank Chef v2 for a f-f-fun f-f-fight!

Chef v2: That wasn't a fun fight! You killed my friend!

Chef v1: Sh-sh-shut up! Now, as the leader, I am going to decide your fate. Robots! Take him to his cell while I decide his fate.

(The robots grab Chef v2)

Chef v2: You guys can't possibly do this!

Chef v81: He is our leader! Come on boys!

(The robots take him to his cell. Chef v2 is now in his cell)

Chef v2: I could just travel through the shadows, but I can't because of the light! Let me try breaking it!

(Chef v2 tries breaking the light bulb, but is doesn't work)

Chef v2: Sh@t! I forgot! We made the lightbulbs out of titanium. Might as well just wait for my fate!

(6 Hours Later)

(Chef v2 is asleep in his cell when there is knocking on the cell door)

Chef v111: Alright! Lets go!

(Chef v111 takes Chef v2 back to the base. Chef v1 is there with his chainsaw)

Chef v2: This ain't gonna be good.

Chef v1: Hello Chef v2! Good news! Your fate has been decided.

Chef v2: You're gonna kill me with your chainsaw. Whatever! I dont want to be in this world anymore!

Chef v1: Now everyone! You're gonna know what death feels like! I died once! It was horrifying. Now its time for you to die Chef v2. *revs chainsaw*. Say goodbye!

Chef v2: Wait a minute! I remember that the light bulb in this room is weak. I just need to destroy it!

Chef v1: Prepare to die in 3...

Chef v2: Heres a stone I kept in my shirt pocket!

Chef v1: 2...

Chef v2: I hope this works!

Chef v1: 1!!!

(Once Chef v1 is about to kill Chef v2, Chef v2 throws a stone at the weak light bulb making the room dark.

Chef v1: What the- I cant see sh@t!. I think I killed him!

(Once Chef v1 turns on the light. he realizes he accidentally decapitated Chef v111.

Chef v1: Oops!

(It then switches to the shadows where Chef v2 is running through the shadows trying to get to the motel)

Chef v2: Need to get to the others as fast as possible!

(Chef v2 hears the robots screaming behind him)

Chef v2: Crap! They know I'm in the shadows!

Chef v1: You can't run forever!

(Chef v2 then accidentally drops Chef v3's heart. It then goes into an exit that leads to the SML house)

Robot InvasionWhere stories live. Discover now