Carly: 12

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Carly couldn't believe how much she was liking Blaire. She almost felt like she was cheating on Genesis. She hated that feeling. She hated feeling like her chance with Gen had come and gone.

But Blaire made her laugh and feel good about herself. How do you fall for someone online? Probably the same way you fall for someone from afar, Carly wagered.

The pageant was just two days away and Carly's stomach was in knots. She was in so much pain she could barely walk upright.

"Stop slouching. The judges don't like slouches. You need to lift your chin up, relax your shoulders and straighten your spine." Louise coached as she watched from the staircase.

"My stomach hurts. I need a break." Carly breathed through the pain as she stopped and leaned against the wall.

"You're probably just nervous." Louise stood, straightening her skirt.

"I know." Carly agreed, but this wasn't the first time her stomach felt like this.

"You don't look so good." Louise eyed the sweat beading on her cousin's forehead. "I think we should get Aunt Olivia." She started to step away, but Carly grabbed her arm as she straightened up.

"I'm fine." She forced a smile. "See. Just nerves. Besides, I doubt Mom would care if were sick or not. She'd probably just accuse me of trying to get out of doing the pageant."

"Are you sure? Maybe you should lay down?"

"You can stop pretending like you care. No one's around." Carly brushed past her and slowly made her way toward her next class, biting back tears of pain.


It was the last day of auditions. Carly's heart was heavy as she left school. She'd given up on thoughts of auditioning. As much as she wanted to, she didn't want to make her life any more difficult than it already was. If she told Blaire she would be so disappointed in her.

Blaire was the only person who knew how passionate she felt about singing. She rushed over to Clink's praying that it would be slow. Between her foot and her stomach she was almost ready to curl up into a ball and cry.

She hoped Blaire had gotten over her shyness. She was burning with curiosity. Why didn't she want to show herself?

"ur prettier than me", she had said. Well, that was her personal opinion. Besides, Carly wasn't the type of person to cast others aside simply because of how they looked and she already liked her. She just wanted to be able to finally put a face to the other person she found herself day dreaming about.

Caught in her musings about what Blaire might look like, Carly wasn't paying attention as she pulled up to Clink's and got out of her car. She ran directly into a wall of flesh. As she looked up she found herself staring into Gavin's dark brown eyes. She immediately jerk back and tried to get away.

"Hey!" He firmly gripped her arm. "I didn't come to cause trouble."

As his words sunk home, he released her stepping back out of her comfort zone. "So why are you here then?"

He ducked his head in embarrassment. "I came to apologize about last time. I was way out of line. I never wanted to hurt you, babe."

"I know that. That's why I didn't press charges." Carly believed him, but still kept a safe distance between them.

"I don't know what got into me. I'd been smoking with Chuck and Tony and since we broke up they've been saying shit. I guess it just finally got to me." Carly frowned. "I'm not trying to make excuses. I should have never put my hands on you. I just hope you can forgive me."

"I forgive Gavin, but you have to understand that we're over. We're never going to get back together and you really need to find yourself some new friends."

"Yeah, I'm working on that. I don't know if you've heard, but my dad transferred me after what happened."

"Well, maybe a change of environment is just what you need. You're a good guy Gavin." Carly finally stepped closer and placed a hand on his arm. "I truly believe that. You're just not the guy for me. Hopefully someday you'll find someone who loves you as much as you love them."

Gavin smiled. "Me too. My dad says I shouldn't worry about that while I'm still in school. He said that most high school loves don't last past the summer vacation."

"I don't know if I agree with that. People like to think that just because we're young we can't possibly know what real love is. I think that when you know, you know. Sometimes life gets in the way and people just forget or grow apart, but it doesn't mean what they felt was any less real."

"Thank you for forgiving me." Gavin cautiously pulled her into a hug and she let him.

"You take care of yourself." Carly told him as he pulled away and headed for his truck in the parking lot of the neighboring auto repair shop. She watched as he drove away before she turned and went to work with a smile on her face.


Puppet92: I shld b home n abt 20. u?

Fermented~Poison: jst got outta da shower

Puppet92: did u ever get that camera?

Fermented~Poison: workin on it

Puppet92: :-(

Fermented~Poison: lmao ull c me soon. promise.

Puppet92:good n u better not b sum obese 60 yr old geezer either or im presssin charges

Fermented~Poison: ur legal hun n i havent done anything to u

Puppet92: but u want 2

Fermented~Poison: conceited

Puppet92: confident. im gonna take a shower myself whn i get home then log on k

Fermented~Poison: cant wait

Puppet92: :-D

Carly threw her phone back into her purse and focused on driving the rest of the way home. Soon. She couldn't see Blaire's face soon enough. Once she finally made it home and safely to her room, she kicked off her shoes, shrugged out of her uniform and jumped in the shower.

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