Carly: 23

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Carly tuned in and out of Fin's gushing over her boyfriend, Blake as they entered Clinks for her shift. "I'm going to change." She told her absent-mindedly as she walked off.

"Fine. I was talking to the wind anyway." Fin rolled her eyes as she took a seat at the counter.

Carly ignored her as she went into the bathroom to change. She'd been in a sour mood ever since she left Gen's house the previous night. Carly didn't understand why she'd gotten so upset. She had only been trying to help.

The way she'd yelled at her hadn't been called for and had Carly fighting back tears as she drove home. Sure, they'd had a few tense moments lately, but wondered if there was more going on that she'd missed. She just had no idea what it could be.

Finally changed, Carly brushed stray stands of hair back into her ponytail, grabbed her bag and headed back out into the dinning room. Upon her return she noticed a large arrangement of Peruvian Lilies sitting on the counter in front of Fin. "These are gorgeous!" She commented as she leaned in to smell them.

"And they're for you." Fin edged them across the counter toward her.

"Really?" Carly beamed as she turned the vase around until she found the card attached and read it.

"Are you back with Gavin? He's not your mystery guy is he?" Fin asked and Carly blanched.

"What? Of course not! Why would you think that?" Carly frowned with the open card still in hand.

"Because it's signed 'G'. If it's not Gavin then who?"

Carly sighed. "None of your business, okay."

"No, it's not okay. I'm the one covering for you. Don't you think I deserve to know? I'm lying to your mom while you're off God knows where with only you know who doing whatever. I thought we were best friends."

"We are ..." Carly began, but was cut off by the ringing of her phone. She looked at the screen to see a heart symbol displayed for Gen. She held up a hand to Fin as she answered the call. "Hey ..."

"Hey, um ... I wanted to know if you got the flowers?"

Carly sported a small smile that she tried to hide from Fin, who wasn't trying to hide her interest in her conversation. "Yeah, they just got delivered and they're beautiful. Thank you."

"I didn't mean to snap on you last night, you know that. I was just embarrassed."

"It's okay. I know you've been really tense lately." Carly frowned at Fin and turned away with a roll of her eyes while lowering her voice.

"It's not just that. I didn't want you to see him like that. You've never been around when he was that bad before. I ... I took him to a rehab center today."

"Really? Are you and Des okay?"

"Yeah, we're fine. Can you forgive me for the way I yelled at you last night?"

"Of course I forgive you. Why wouldn't I?"

"Because I know I hurt you and I don't ever want to do that."

"I'll admit that my feelings were a little singed, but it's nothing. I'm fine and I know that you would never really hurt me."

"Good. So, I called out of work. Family Emergency and all of that. Today has just been rough with my dad and explaining to Des. Anyway, I'm free tonight so if you want to do something when you get off ..."

"I'll swing by." Carly promised before they ended the call. Her shift started in five minutes.

"That was him wasn't it?" Fin started her interregation.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2021 ⏰

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