Part 8

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I woke up in a bed that didn't feel familiar to me. I slowly opened my eyes to come face to face with a also not so familiar room

The room looked beautiful. I found myself laying in a queen sized bed with beautiful white sheets. I looked to my right and saw Cate sleeping peacefully next to me.

She looked like a goddess. Her blonde hair fell on her face perfectly, I moved some hair out of her face with my hand and just looked at her perfect features for some moments

I didn't know what to do until I looked at the little clock next to cates bed

"Shit I'm late for work" I said more to myself than to anyone, but this sentence caught a certain blondes attention

"10 more minutes" the blonde said in her raspy morning voice which caught me off guard

"Cate I would really like to stay here but I need to get to work, or else I'm going to get fired, and I can't afford that" I say to her while I get out of bed as fast as I can

"Can I borrow some clothes Cate?" I ask her when I'm finally out of bed

I never got a answer because shortly after I got out of bed I hear light snores coming from Cate. I just decide to grab something out of her closet, I chose a plane white shirt with a beautiful black baggy jeans. I hope Cate won't mind

I quickly make my way out of her big house and call myself a taxi, which arrives shortly after I called it

In the car I'm left alone with my thoughts, and the first thing that comes to my mind is Cate...

Why was she sleeping next to me? What happens after I fell asleep? Questions over questions, but I have no answer to them

After about 20 minutes I arrive at the Coffee shop and make my way in there

"Hey Y/N, I hate to admit it but your late again. Your lucky that I'm not the boss or I think you would be fired by now" I felt so lucky that Louis is the one I'm sharing my morning shift with, he's as gay as I am and we always gossip about people. I really do love him as a friend

"I'm sorry I'm late Louis, but I can't promise you that it's not gonna happen again" I say with a little smirk

"You're something different Y/N Y/L/N" he says in a little disbelief, but with a little smile
"So what is your blonde soulmate doing today?" He asks me with sweet eyes

He always says that Cate and I would be couple goals because we would fit so good together, but I always just laugh at him and tell him to fuck off

"I slept at hers tonight, I don't really know how it happened, but I woke up today sleeping next to her in a beautiful room in her house" I say with a stupid big smile on my face

"Ohhhhhh tell me everything" he says excited

I tell him everything I remember and he's in shock

"Noooo your telling me that you slept at her house and don't even know how you got there because you fell asleep on her shoulder?!" He almost shouts at me

"Yes I kinda did and then I left in a hurry because I overslept" I say kinda embarrassed

"You're something different Y/N" he says laughing like a little child

We don't even have the chance to finish our little chat before a few customers come into the Coffee shop and break us apart

In the evening I'm finally done with my work shift and make my way back home to finally just relax

But I wasn't prepared for who was waiting at my doorstep for me....

Hello besties,
Thank you for reading💘
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