3♡»- Question

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The setting afternoon sun bathed the buildings in its warm orange light as people walked along the streets, tired of the long day. Kita walked side by side with his underclassmen, who lead the way to their destination. "We're almost there, Kita-san," Heisuke said.

Kita couldn't help but question Heisuke. "I thought you said the others are joining us?" He said with utmost confusion, his tone remained cool yet alarming. "They'll join us shortly," Heisuke answered briefly, his awkward shifting had earned a suspicious stare from Kita. "Okay."

The two men entered the cafe, already smelling the freshly baked pastries of the store. Immediately, they were welcomed by the friendly staff and they were escorted to a table near the glass window. The cafe's mood was warm, the smell made it even better.

It was the kind of cafe you would see in popular posts. There were tables outside the shop each with a pastel color umbrella. Few of the customers were students much the same as Kita who had visited after school.

Kita had made himself comfortable on a bulky wooden seat next to a few more, saving seats for his friends. There was a gentle mellow music in the background, the smell of freshly opened coffee beans still strong to the nose.

Kita eyes the glass display full of goodies. He carefully chooses over the vast variety of sweets, searching for the right one to offer his grandmother when he arrives. "So Kita-san..." Heisuke breaks off the silence. Kita swiftly directed his attention to his underclassmen who seemed very eager to ask him questions. "I wanted to talk about the game we have later this month."

The two men had made casual conversation about volleyball, school, and Small details about their personal life. Soon, their conversation drifted to a different topic. "My girlfriend is coming to our game, are expecting someone special?" Heisuke pretended to act normal but his overly impatient manner was visible.

"No, I'm not expecting anyone. My grandmother will be busy on that day but she promised to watch my game on TV." Heisuke's face dropped ever so slightly, his eyes remained hopeful of getting a proper answer. "That's not what I meant, Kita-san." He said. "What else would you have meant about a special someone? My grandmother is someone special."

"I meant a girlfriend or a crush." Heisuke was struggling to stop himself from bursting out of frustration.

He cursed his upperclassmen for setting him up on this idea, it was extremely foolish and chilling. Not once did he think this was a great idea but Atsumu and Suna had managed to convince him nevertheless. "Oh," Kita remained silent, his brown eyes gazed intently at Heisuke. "I'm not quite there yet." He added after a few pauses.


Kita felt refreshed after his cold bath, the sweat from the long hours was finally washed off. Sitting on the bed, Kita gently dried his hair with a towel and let his eyes wander. He noticed the shiny plastic wrapper glistening under the low light poking out from his school bag.

Thinking back to what he purchased earlier, he stopped drying his hair. With his towel still on his damp hair, Kita walked towards his bag and picked up the pack of sweets. "Should I give this to them?" He contemplated.

Kita looked down at his mess-free table as he allowed his ideas to manifest. He sat down and brought out the pencil from his pen holder. The sharp edge of the pencil halted before it could even touch the soft surface of the paper. Kita for the first time didn't know what to say.

He kept thinking back to what Heisuke said earlier. "Are expecting someone special?" It would be a huge risk to ask (Name) directly, although he found the idea intriguing, he knew he would be too obvious. Kita preferred to observe from afar.

A knock came from his bedroom door, snapping him out of his deep thoughts. "Shinsuke? Did you wait for me to come home so we can eat dinner together?"Kita opened his door and smile down at his grandmother. "Yes, shall I put the plates granny?"

The sounds of utensils clashing on the plates were shielded over by Yumie's cheerful talking and Kita's brief replies. Yumie, having known her grandson since the day of his birth, was quick to catch on. "You seem bothered, how are you feeling? What's wrong?"

In school, people often described Kita as being a robot. Void of all feelings and was the perfect case. But In Yumie's presence, Kita's expression was honest and unmistakable. She could read his change of mood. "I have something to ask you, granny."

Yumie waited patiently for her grandson to continue. "I like this certain someone at school and I'm not sure how to ask them something." Whenever he's unsure, which is very rare, Yumie always knew how to comfort him. "I say you should be bold and go ask them. I'm very impatient about having great-grandchildren." She said with a confident say, almost joking.

"I will."

In The Garden |♡︎♥︎ [Kita Shinsuke] [√]Where stories live. Discover now