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Your two friends gather at your table, eager to read the new message. With giddy smiles and exciting hops, your friends pressure you to open the paper bag. "Guys, I want to read it alone. I'm sure they'll be embarrassed if I read it out loud." You said, pulling the bag away.

"Okay fine! Just tell us what it's about." Rika was curious as ever, seemingly more excited than you were. "Why do you look more excited than (Name)?" Taro pointed out with a grin. "Hello?? (Name) is single since birth! This is a good sign." Rika has always been one to talk about relationships, despite not being one herself. Rika was ecstatic after hearing all about your secret admirer, happy that you're finally getting involved in romance.

"(Name) will forever be single if their secret admirer doesn't ask them out soon. They feel like they have all the time in the world, that guy is hella patient." Taro said, somewhat bothered by their patience. Taro and Rika were the first people to find the gifts left on your desk so it was unmistakable how curious they were.

They also attempted to search for the one responsible but like you, they failed to do so. "Read it," Taro said. He didn't have to say it again, you were close to opening it.

"Will you come to my game later this month? I'd be very happy if you came."

- volleyball player🏐

Awe fills your senses, eyes still re-reading the short note as your fingers gripped the neat paper with shock. "What? What is it? Tell us!" Rika was hysterical after catching sight of your expression. It took you a few moments to gather your excitement, lips tugging into a straight line while fighting to keep a smile.

"They just dropped the first clue."

You spent months trying to track down this person, even keeping a close eye on people in your class and going so far as waking up early to catch them on the act. You didn't Expect to uncover such a big clue, certainly not from the one who tried so hard to conceal their identity. "The person asked me to come to their game."

Rika's excitement only thrived. "A volleyball player?" You nodded. "Yes, how did you know?"

"My younger brother is playing, he's part of the men's volleyball club. Maybe he can help us get more clues, he can be our spy." Rika was quick to suggest, already coming up with schemes. "I feel like it's Kita."

You and Rika promptly turned your heads to Taro who was somewhat straightforward with his statement.

"Kita?" You smile, thinking it over. "Yeah, I mean it wouldn't be too far from the truth because he sits beside you and all." Taro was confident despite the questioning looks you two gave him. "I don't know. He's not much of a romantic type on the outside at least."

Kita Shinsuke was always quiet, reserved, and quite a gifted man indeed. You've sat next to him since your second year, you found sitting next to him a godsend.

When you had difficulty understanding a lesson, Kita would help out however he can. He was respectful, and overall the perfect seatmate. Moreover, you never suspected him of ever having feelings for you. Small talks were significant, greeting each other at the hallways when you passed each other and tutoring on rare occasions.

You weren't that close with Kita, but close enough to not feel too awkward around him. "I'm not sure, what if it's someone else?" You try to reason. Taro stood strong with his opinion. "I still think it's Kita-san. He's the one suitable enough to hold up this plan for this long and not slip."

The sliding door swiftly opened, the person behind stepped inside. Your friends scatter to their respective seats as Kita walks towards you and to his chair just beside yours. "Good morning, (Name)." He acknowledged your presence. You merely whispered a brief reply before glancing at Rika, Who sat just a few tables away.

She mouths something incoherent, getting frustrated when you couldn't understand.

"I wanted to ask you something if that is okay." Kita drops his bag under his table, glancing up to your tense figure. Kita merely blinks at how your back is sticking to the chair, eyes glued anywhere but at him. "Sure, what is it?"

"The teacher gave me permission to pick volunteers to assist me with my duties as class president and I wanted to see if you were willing to take the additional responsibility," Kita said. Kita Shinsuke was full of surprises, his offer seemed random and was questionable.

"How about the vice president?" You asked the obvious, surely the president would ask the second in command. With a frustrated sigh, Kita answered your question. "I don't want to sound rude, but if I'm being honest, the class officers are truly irresponsible." He was brutally honest as always, you never got used to it.

Rika and Taro had listened in to your conversation, an awkward line Shaped on their lips as they continued to eavesdrop.

"Oh, Can I think about it first?" You said, hesitant to agree on the spot. After all, you had your responsibilities in the school or at home. You weren't responsible for the idleness of the class officers. Kita lent a soft smile, nodding reassuringly.
"Of course, just know that I'm not forcing you. You can deny my offer."


In The Garden |♡︎♥︎ [Kita Shinsuke] [√]Where stories live. Discover now