19♡»- A date!!

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I missed something. So it turns out that winter doesn't start in Japan until December 22 which I wrote wrong in the past chapters. I apologize for my mistake!! I should have done my research before writing. In my experience we had exams in November and December, I always thought that winter starts in November/December but it's different in every country. I'm sorry!!


With the remainder of the holiday spent outside of school, you decided to spend it with Kita. It had been less than a month since he started courting you and he has been doing quite well, getting better every day and never failing to surprise you. Not only has he been patient but he was the most understanding person you've met.

His attitude didn't change, Kita remained the man that he was before, Respectful and polite. But now he had intentions to pursue you, to give himself to you.

During the school days, he'd walk you to school and help you with your studies. In your breaks, Kita would accompany you to grab some drinks in the vending machine and chat for a while, occasionally opting to head for the nearby 7/11 to purchase you your favorite snack.

Kita was never selfish when it came to his feelings, he'd always put you before him. He understood how hesitant you feel and takes everything slowly. Kita asks before holding your hand, he smiles at you when you glance up at him during class, and you receive texts from him asking you about your day. You appreciated the small things he did for you.

Your favorite part of the day was lunchtime and walking home from school. They're always filled with long chatting that never seemed to have a consistent topic. It's fun, Kita is a great listener and doesn't mind when you babble about the cute dog you saw the other day or a subject you hate. You too listen to him talk. He would go on about his fond memories and favorite hobbies, often about his club and garden.

You learn that he named his plants, one is named after Aran and the other of his late grandfather.

Not a day with Kita was dull. Some days he'd be rougher with you, scolding you for being irresponsible or being strict when it came to lessons. In the end, Kita would help out however he can. You know he's only trying to help, he's been a perfectionist for as long as you've known him. Kita would apologize, it's always been his habit to be strict and forward with being responsible.

One time, he couldn't help but nurse his insecurities. You were shocked to hear it, you would have never thought that Kita was one to be insecure, but he was still human. "I'm worried you might think I'm too boring." He told you how he spent a night thinking if he would be enough for you. Whether he was Worthy of your attention. "I know I come off as stern, I'm sorry." He told you about wanting to be that fun boyfriend but you quickly brought that idea down.

"Shin, you're already perfect and you don't have to feel that way because I wouldn't want anyone but you." You understood that not everyone is perfect, you appreciated the fact that he let you see his deepest fears.

You wanted to comfort him and to reassure him that you would never think badly of him just because he's used to something. You learned to accept that and Kita valued how you Stood by him, how you reassured him.
It's not often that Kita feels insecure, he's mature and honest when it came to such feelings.

But he grew to be more honest with you. Kita has been more comfortable with sharing said feelings.


It's nearing Christmas and your family had been busy with preparations.

Unfortunately, your extended family would visit for Christmas leaving you no time to visit the Kita household. This was already planned, more of a family tradition. Kita was of course slightly disappointed to hear, but he didn't say much of it. He merely nodded and asked if you would have time left to spend the new year with him.

In The Garden |♡︎♥︎ [Kita Shinsuke] [√]Where stories live. Discover now