22♡»- routine

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Sucks to say that I'm losing motivation for this story ☹︎
I have the ideas but not the

But I will still publish new
chapters when I can. Not weekly anymore. Thank you for all the support!! We finally reached 13k ♥︎♡︎

Also, double update!


Everyone knows that Kita is a man who values his routine. He has a specific guide he needs to follow to feel organized. He sleeps at night and wakes up in the early hours of the morning. Kita does his chores properly and checks them off his to-do list. Kita cooks breakfast and won't eat until his grandmother is seated with him, a habit he found when he was a child.

During high school, his routine was strict, with responsibilities as a student, captain, and grandchild. Kita needed to juggle everything but he did so with no failure. Kita feels good having to follow such routines, it makes him feel a sense of responsibility and order.

He always makes sure to do the things that needed to be done properly. It's a common rule for him, one he respects and maintains.

Kita had no problem adjusting to slight changes in routine. Whether be it a sudden cancelation of classes because of a holiday or being invited to hang out. Having a routine is a part of who Kita is, it formed him into a better leader and mostly, a person. Despite his fondness for such, he's still a person who yearns for excitement.

Kita is a man who is content with what he has. He's grateful for having a life of peace, loved by his family, and being lowed to choose his career. Yet- he's a person who loves. Because he's willing to change a few things in his life.

There are times he wakes up earlier than usual to talk to you. Although short, he knows that what's important is having the time to check up on you. Kita understands your struggles. He hears you're adjusting well with your classmates, which of whom are from different parts of Japan. But he also remembers the times when you'd silently sob about the pressure and exhaustion.

Kita, for the first time, doesn't know what to do. He tries his best to comfort you, to talk to you but at the same time, he feels as though it wasn't enough.

Kita wants to be there for you physically. He wants to hold you close and tell you he's proud of you. All he could do at those moments was listen to you sob at the other end. Kita hears your struggles and understands you. Although he is not there physically, he does everything he can to support you.

His gallery is full of pictures of you in different locations. Kita's favorite is the one you took on your first day in university where you asked a random student to take a picture of you. Kita couldn't help but smile at how awkward and nervous you looked, holding up a wary peace sign as you looked at the camera. Another was you at a cafe studying for a quiz, you looked tired, so different from when you just arrived.

But Kita always admired hard work.

He also sends his pictures. Pictures of the food he's cooking for dinner, his plants and the children who played with him. He sends you updates about the farm, his grandmother and your old highschool friends.

Kita, who had the resources to plant his garden, and with permission from his family, had decided to create a garden.

Kita had missed his home, especially the garden where he spends most of his time. Now that he's away for harvesting and taking care of the crops, he feels that the garden would give him the chance to bring something back from his old life. It was only part of the reason. The second was the promise he made during the school festival.

In The Garden |♡︎♥︎ [Kita Shinsuke] [√]Where stories live. Discover now