16♡»- Boba

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Warning for this chapter: bullying in public

Kita skimmed through his neatly written notes, mind familiarizing the important details of the topic. He slowly glanced back up to meet your tired eyes. "What's wrong?" He asked, closing his textbook. With the day ending early, the students were free to study for their exam, some went home early and others left to find quiet places to study.

You thought that studying at school would be best since you didn't have the energy to walk to a cafe.

The library was empty despite what you expected. Usually, students would cram the library with noise and chaos but today it was oddly quiet for a change. "I don't want to study anymore, I'm tired." You sighed, feeling the exhaustion overwhelm your body.

You spent your day studying with Kita and reviewing some notes from your previous classes. You couldn't continue studying. ''I see," Kita nodded. He started to pack his things into his school bag and you followed, still confused. "Let's go out and buy some boba.'' The offer seemed random but you weren't exactly hesitant to agree.

After all, a refreshing drink was a good way to clear some stress along with a few snacks. "Are you craving boba today, Shin?" You asked with a small smile, leaving the library with heavy bags.

"Atsumu was talking about it during practice, I got jealous." He admitted. The exams had not only managed to add to your stress but also your cravings. Kita was still human, he needed to give in to cravings. "Me too, I'm craving something delicious today." Your empty stomach seemed to agree with your words, further convincing you to walk quickly.

It only had been a few days since the confession, and you found yourself doing your best to ignore Sato by any means.

Sato was by far the most persistent, confident, and annoying person you've ever encountered. Unlike Kita, he didn't care about your boundaries. Even showing your uneasiness doesn't affect him. There were multiple incidents where he would pin you to a corner or have his friends (underlings) stalk you. And this was in a span of only a few days.

To say that you were uncomfortable was an understatement.

Kita had helped you a lot with your current problem. He'd chase away Sato's teammates and walk with you just in case something happens. All the while helping you study.

"How are you feeling today? Is Sato still bothering you?" Kita would regularly check up on you, genuinely concerned about your well-being. He understood that Sato was ruthless, there was nothing he could do to stop that evil bastard. Kita somehow felt partly responsible for Sato's actions.

Kita found himself thinking back to his past encounters with Sato. He Needed to understand why Sato was so mad at him that he would go as far as to hurt another. Without a doubt, Kita had never got into deep trouble with others. Always resolving arguments with decent conversations without the use of violence whatsoever.

"I try to not let him get to me." You reply, voice slightly wavering at the mention of Sato. "If he doesn't stop I'm going to tell the principal. I've got all the proof I need." Kita smiled, he doesn't need to worry since he knows that you're strong enough to take care of yourself.

The familiar smell of sweet drinks and cakes was enticing, even from outside the cafe it was strong. This cafe was popular among students, young couples, and even older adults who came to fill their curiosity about this popular drink. You had been here a few times in the past and they never disappoint.

Kita opened the door for you and stepped in after you did. The glass windows reflected the warm hues of the afternoon sky, the wind blowing your hair as it raced through the open door. "The placed is packed." Though You weren't surprised, "Should we go find another place?" Kita asked.

In The Garden |♡︎♥︎ [Kita Shinsuke] [√]Where stories live. Discover now