Chapter 3

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During a very beautiful afternoon where the weather is neither hot or cold but just right, Rabia can be seen relaxing and admiring the different plants inside the Crystal Greenhouse while humming happily, she's very proud of the beautiful flowerin...

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During a very beautiful afternoon where the weather is neither hot or cold but just right, Rabia can be seen relaxing and admiring the different plants inside the Crystal Greenhouse while humming happily, she's very proud of the beautiful flowering plants and thriving trees. She tended to each and everyone of them herself after all.

The very first time she entered the particular greenhouse the crytal ceiling and glass exterior was in damaged condition because of neglect and inside, it didn't look like a garden but a full on forest... She still would never forget the rumors about the meaning behind Claude gifting her this Greenhouse

"I heard the Emperor gave her the crystal greenhouse as a gift for birthing a prince" a maid whispered to her colleague

"That place hasn't been tended to in 10 years. An insult disguised as a gift for sure, we all know she seduced the current emperor into her bed while she was still engaged to the former... I'm sure he doesn't even love her and even the Prince's father's identity is unclear" the other maid answered with a whisper

The other nodded and was about sweep another part of the hall but shrieked in surprise as he saw an expressionless Emperor Claude carrying a year old Prince Ambrose in his arms with Duke Felix who is surrounded by a murderous aura while glaring at the two maids, who automatically knelt down in front of them

"W-we're terriby sorry your majesty, please spare us. We were both ignorant" the two begged with tears streaming down their face

"Ignorant you say? You should think with your head before you speak slander against his and her majestys" Felix said angrily as he rested his hand on his sword, ready to draw it and slit the throat of the maids awaiting his Emperor's words

"How would they think if they don't have their heads to think with?" The Emperor glared down at them, while the young Prince peered at them boredly. Both of their jeweled eyes giving an eerie blue glow

The maids froze, the meaning behind the Emperor's words a clear order for their beheading. They begged for their lives more earnestly while cupping their necks, as if that act alone would protect it from Felix's sharp sword

"There you are, I've been wondering why you still aren't in your office" A soft voice echoed behind the kneeling maids, making Claude and Felix snap their heads toward it. The young Prince started squirming in his father's hold reaching towards his mother with a smile lighting up his adorable face

"Rabia" Claude greeted her with a nod, while adjusting his hold on his son before he falls due to his excitement

"Your Majesty, Duke Robain" Rabia greeted them with a curtsy before snatching her son from Claude's arms and proceeded to pepper his cheeks with kisses making the young Prince squeal in happiness "There's mama's beautiful angel, I've missed you. Your father has been hogging you all morning"

Claude's hands twitched slightly, missing the weight of his son in his arms

The maids' sniffling drew Rabia's attention to them

"What's going on?"

"They said slanderous words against you, your majesty" Felix answered

"Is this about the Crystal Greenhouse?" Rabia asked curiously

"Yes" Claude answered tersely

"If it's that, I specifically asked for it since it's a waste to see its continued neglect... what punishment did you give?"

"Beheading" Claude looked away from her questioning green eyes that never fails to remind him of spring

"Beheading?! That's too harsh, your majesty" the maids let out a sigh of relief and looked at her in happiness, thinking that they've been saved

"Your majesty!" Felix protested, he thought too that she would let them off the hook due to her kindness

"Rip their tongues out instead. Talking is overrated anyways" she flashed a smile towards the maids, who got their hopes up earlier, before walking away as if nothing happened while cooing and snuggling her son happily

"Rabia has spoken. Make sure it's done with the other staff present, see to it Felix" Claude ordered before walking after Rabia and his son

Her walk down memory lane got interrupted by a voice behind her

"Your majesty, another letter from your brother, Prince Azrael has arrived" Rabia's loyal lady-in-waiting, Olive, said as she placed a letter down on the table set inside the greenhouse next to the cakes and tea. The said letter is sealed with the wax seal of Gaudin that can only be used by the royal family

Rabia let out an irritated sigh and chose to ignore the letter for the time being, she already knows what her brother wants. He wants her to come home and give her blessing to proceed with the throne's succession, just because their father is in a coma due to an incurable disease with unknown origins and his days are supposedly numbered as said by the physicans they called all over the world.

"I already told him that I have no interest in becoming Queen and fighting for the throne"

"Forgive me for what I am about to say your highness... Prince Azrael is lacking in many ways and the nobles would not agree wholeheartedly in sitting him on the throne without you, as the first born child of his majesty the King, coming back to Gaudin and personally renouncing the throne and making him the sole successor"

"I can't leave my son here and the nobles here would never allow me to take him with me" Rabia said before reaching for a cookie shaped like a crown

"I'm sure his majesty the Emperor would give you permission to take the young Prince for a period of time"

"I'm sure he would" Rabia smiled softly before biting the cookie in her hand "'s going to be messy back home and I don't want him to experience that kind of environment just yet. I want him to be my baby for a little while longer"

At night, Rabia tucked visits his son to personally tuck him in because if she doesn't he will stay up all night to read and study everything he could get his hands on. She is absolutely positive he gets that attitude from Claude, since she only studies when she has to and is thankful for her great memory.

"Little Prince" Rabia called out to her son sternly as she stood in front of the door of his room and the child who was furiously scribbling notes about a new book he was reading froze and almost broke his pen in half in surprise

"M-mother" Ambrose greeted nervously as he looked at his mother with a smile on her face promising pain

"You're calling me mother? You must know that you did something wrong"

"Yes" his shoulders sagged dejectedly

"Then go and get ready for bed, right now"

Ambrose nodded quickly and bolted to the bathroom to do his nightly rituals before bed

"Mama, are you mad?" Ambrose asked timidly, as his mother tucks him to bed properly

"No, my little Prnce. Mama is not mad, I'm proud of your tenacity in learning everything but I'm worried you'll overdo it. If I'm not here to keep you and your father in check and make sure you take breaks and meals on time, I'm sure you'll both stay cooped up in a room to work... mama just wants both of you healthy" Rabia explained as she pats her son's head, waiting for him to process her words and as he nods in understanding she smiles softly before kissing his forehead "now sleep, my little Prince, mama loves you the most"

With that Ambrose fell asleep with a soft smile on his face

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