Chapter 16

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Rabia and Azrael sat across each other in silence, Azrael wanted to speak and apologize first but he knows that his sister wanted to be the one to speak first.

"Azrael you know that I love and cherish you, right?" Rabia started softly, at his affirming nod she continued "but I am already a mother and my first priority is the safety of my child... that is why I went when Ambrose needed me"

"I know, sister... I was just worried that something happened to you too"  Azrael tried to explain why he did what he did

"I understand why you were mad, but that was still inappropriate behavior" Rabia lectured and gave him a reminder of the rigorous etiquette lessons he was taught when he was younger

"I never liked those lessons" Azrael lightly joked as he remembered the punishments he received when he did something wrong and his callousness was blamed on his lowborn mother

He learned later than him since he was raised outside the palace in his early years. The teachers always praised Rabia and he agreed with them that she was perfect, the moment she reached out to him with her kind smile and warm personality he knew he had to keep her by his side forever. She was his light in this dark world

"I know you wish to go back to Obelia after father gets better" Azrael said as he reached out and gently held Rabia's hand "you're the only family I have left and that is why I wish to spend more time with you before you leave for good"

"You're welcome to visit me anytime in Obelia and I'll occasionally visit you here as well" Rabia said as she squeezed his hand comfortingly "this place is still my home and you are still my family, that will never change"

"Of course" Azrael forced out through gritted teeth and a strained smile on his face, he patted Rabia's hand and let it got before abruptly standing and turning to leave

"Azrael, where are you going?" Rabia quickly went after him and grabbed his arm before he could open the door and leave "we need to talk about this properly... Ambrose needed me and Cl—"

"Are they all you could think about now?"

Azrael's icy tone caused Rabia to let him go and slowly back away from him but he turned back and grabbed her wrist

"Azrael, let me go... you're hurting me" Rabia said angrily as she tried to shake his hand off but he only tightened it in response

Rabia gasped in pain, she felt like her wrist was about to break so she grabbed his arm and dug her nails to at least hurt him enough to let her go in shock but obviously she failed and he grabbed her jaw to make her look up into his eyes

Hurt, hatred, madness... all of these emotions were swirling around in his eyes making Rabia scared, she never saw her brother like this before

"Am I hurting you sister?" Azrael mockingly said as he tightened his hold on her to stop her squirming, but she just tried to scratch at him harder with a defiant look on her face

"You hurt me worse than this when you left me to go to those cursed Obelians!" He angrily said as his hands both traveled to her neck squeezing slightly before saying in a softer tone "maybe I should've followed through when I thought about breaking your legs back then? What do you think, sister?"

"Can't— breathe... let—me—go" Rabia dug her nails and scratched at his arms, her vision is slowly becoming unfocused and her head is getting lighter with the lack of oxygen... She yelped as she suddenly dropped down on the floor when Azrael let her go, Rabia coughed and tried to breathe in air as much as possible. She held her neck protectively and glared at Azrael who was looking down at her in shock and panic

"I-I'm sorry, sister. I didn't know what came over me"

"Don't come near me!" Rabia's furious shout came out strained and raspy as she continued to cough

"I-I didn't mean it, please forgive me" Azrael looked sad and pitiful as he approached Rabia slowly who was doing her best to get away from him but her hands and limbs were shaking so she didn't get away far away from him

"Where are you going, sister? You always try and leave me alone... I never liked that"

Rabia's eyes widened in alarm when she felt Azrael whisper directly behind her, her hand automatically reached for the butter knife on the table clumsily causing everything to slide off the table and crash on the floor. She tried to stab Azrael but her limbs were still weak and he easily twisted her wrist so hard she let go of the knife

"You'll hurt yourself with that sister" Azrael berated her disapprovingly, as if he was talking to a clumsy child

"Why are you doing this, Azrael?" Rabia asked angrily, her eyes fiercely glaring at him but tears were slowly pouring out of them

"Because I love you, sister" Azrael tenderly wiped her tears away, contradicting the harsh way he is grabbing her wrist

"You don't try and kill the people you love, Azrael!" Rabia hissed out as she tried once more get out of his grasp. The only thing she is thinking right at this moment is that she needed to get out of this room and far away from Azrael

"And if you love someone, you would never leave them behind" Azrael sneered out as he once again grabbed her by the neck

"I-didn't leave you behind"

"You did and even right now, you're thinking of leaving me... I won't let you, sister"

Azrael squeezed his hand around her neck effectively restricting her air supply, she struggled and scratched at him... After awhile of struggling, Rabia's hands dropped limply to her side making Azrael slightly panic and check whether she was still breathing and he let out a sigh of relief when he saw that she was just unconscious

"We didn't have to come to this sister... all you had to was stay by my side forever, but you just had to choose the hard path and now look where that led us" Azrael sadly said as he carried Rabia towards the sofa and put her head on his lap before proceeding to pat and smooth down her disheveled hair then tenderly trace the purpling hand shaped bruises on her neck, jaw and wrists

"I just want to lock you somewhere you can't escape, but it's too soon... so for now, you'll need to forget about this" He put his hand over Rabia's forehead where a black colored magic circle appeared causing her to frown and tear up as a part of her memory is forcibly being separated and locked away at the back of her mind

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