Chapter 11

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"Your Majesty, I apologize for the interruption! An urgent letter from Arlanta has arrived" a messenger said in between heaving breaths, as he barged inside the meeting room and went straight to the Emperor extending a red enveloped letter

Claude's eyes narrowed at the color angrily, a red envelope can only signify a life and death situation. The only connection to Arlanta he has right now is his son and that does not sit well for him so he snatched the letter from the messenger's hands harshly, destroying the envelope and skimming the letter's contents

The nobles inside the room were all worried about its contents because they also know the meaning behind the envelope's color. They waited in tense silence as Claude read the letter and jolted on their seats as their Emperor's mana started uncontrollably escaping his body causing the glass windows to shatter

"Felix, ready the carriage. I'm going to Arlanta"

"Yes, your Majesty" Felix quickly ran out of the room to ready the carriage and knights for Claude's escort to Arlanta


"Sister where are you going?" Azrael asked as he watched Rabia quickly descend the staircase with a worried look on her face

"Something's wrong with Ambrose, I need to go to my son... I'll be back once he's better" Rabia said hurriedly but Azrael stopped her by gripping her forearm "What are you doing Azrael? Let me go"

"No" Azrael said sharply

"What?" Rabia asked in surprise

"Let's all calm down and figure out what's wrong with my nephew, no need to rush. You've gotten weaker and weaker these past few months." Azrael said softly making Rabia wonder if she was just imagining the earlier sharpness in his voice and anger in his eyes

"I know you're worried about my well-being, but I'm fine and my son needs me. I'll send you a letter as soon as I am able" Rabia tried to remove Azrael's hand but he only tightened his grip "Azrael, let go..."

Rabia looked up towards his eyes that were glowing red

"You really leave me with no choice, Sister" Azrael said while staring at her emotionlessly as he activated the spell he casted on her, causing Rabia to immediately lose consciousness

"Shall I call the royal physician, my prince?" Orto the ever loyal follower of Azrael said

"Yes... and don't forget to send a letter to Arlanta that my sister is unwell and unfit to travel"


"We greet the sun of the Obelian Empire" the Headmaster and all of the teaching staff greeted Claude as he stepped down from his carriage, looking at each one of them with a cold look in his face and eyes.

"Take me to my son" Claude told the Headmaster who hurriedly led him towards an infirmary room, as they entered Claude went straight to his son laying in bed

"What did you do to him?" Claude asked in a dangerous tone as he tried to use healing magic on Ambrose who was running a high fever

"I suggest you choose your words carefully, it may be the last words you say" Felix said in warning, he was trying to leash his anger at seeing his Prince in pain

The headmaster explained what happened from the very beginning and his dread grew as Claude's aura become darker and darker

"... we still don't know the full account of what happened inside the cave, beyond what one of the Professors who called for help said. Prince Ambrose has been unconscious ever since we brought him back, we did out best to help heal him but it has been a slow recovery so far"

"So you're telling me, you sent my son to a dangerous place with incapable escorts as punishment for saving another student?" Claude said angrily while glaring at the headmaster, by now Claude would've had the Headmaster hanging by the throat with his magic but he needs to stabilize his son's condition first so he just settled on glaring at him for the time being

"Fo-forgive us, your majesty... but the young prince insisted to go there to receive punishment" another staff reasoned out only to be rewarded by Felix's sword right by his neck

"The Emperor didn't permit you to speak" Felix glared down at him and he looked petrified, not daring to move or else he knew his head will be cleanly sliced of right then and there

"What did he bring back from that wretched place?" Claude asked as he pulled Ambrose to carry him in his arms

"D-dragons, your Majesty"

"Dragons?" Claude asked in surprise because dragons were said to be extinct for centuries

"Felix, fetch the dragons. I'm taking Ambrose back home and away from this incompetent place"

They arrived in Obelia in record time, Claude quickly brought Ambrose to their own royal physican and called every magician from the tower to cure his son

"If he doesn't get better, I'll personally chop off all of your heads one by one"

With that threat from their Emperor not only the royal physician and magic tower magicians did their best but also the all staff inside the palace, because of Claude's dark mood even one wrong move can cost them their life

"Is there any letter from Rabia?" Claude asked Felix who was delivering urgent letters to him.

"No your Majesty... but there is a letter from her brother, King regent Azrael"

"King regent? Seems like that bastard has finally gotten his most coveted seat... what did he say?"

Felix opened the letter and scanned over it for a moment to relay only the important details to Claude

"It says, Princess Rabia was so shocked about the news of Prince Ambrose that she fainted and hit her head... she is currently still unconscious"

Claude clenches his jaw, he would like to visit Rabia as well to see to her well being but he can't leave Ambrose while he is unwell

"Send them a letter that we wish for Rabia's swift recovery and we'll do our best for Ambrose" Claude said before turning around and gazing into the garden "... hopefully Azrael is not so incompetent that he can't even take care of his sister well like he did to their father"

Ambrose heard the sound of animals whining close to his ears something rubbing onto him on either side of his face, he forced his heavy eyes open and looked around the room and realized he was back home causing him to cry

"You're back home now, I'll make everything that hurt you will pay" Claude said as he picked up his son and pulled him close to his chest, and rubbing soothing circles on Ambrose's back while he cries and cling tight to his father

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