Chapter 12

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Ambrose has stayed cooped up in his room for 3 straight days not wanting to go out. He was still sensitive to loud sounds and sudden movements, the physicans who treated him said that he needs time to process everything that has happened

The only company he could bear to be around right now are his Father, Felix, one attendant and the dragons who refused to leave his side no matter what

"Why are the two of you getting heavier by the day? What are you eating?" Ambrose asked the two dragons who were laying on top of his chest

They both tilted heads cutely to the side as if trying to understand what he was saying.

"Let's go outside, this room is not a place for Dragons to play in" Ambrose said as he got off the sofa and walked towards the door with both the dragons trailing after him happily

As he turned the door knob, he could hear the phantom screams echoing in his ears... causing him to freeze and his breathing become quicker and shallower. He closed his eyes tightly and covered his ears with his hands trying to block out the imaginary screams and flesh tearing he was hearing

He was brought back to reality when the dragons nipped his ankles and he tried to breath slowly to calm down. Ambrose smiled down at the dragons who was rubbing against his legs and picked them up

"I feel like the both of you are more cat-like rather than dragon-like" Ambrose told them as he opened the door with magic and walked outside. Trying to be confident and positive with every step he took

He doesn't want to be trapped in fear forever or he'll lose the present


"Your Majesty, Prince Ambrose has come out of his room and is now taking a walk through the garden with his dragons" Felix reported to Claude

"That's good... are his dragons still eating well?" Claude asked as he looked through the documents in front of him. He wanted to see his son walking outside for the first time since the incident, but he didn't want to overwhelm him and wanted to give him space

"Yes, we've already cleared all the remains of the assassins that they've had for breakfast this morning" Felix replied

"Really?" Claude smirked at that "Dragons seem to be better guard dogs than knights"

"The nobles are getting nervous about the rumors that the royal family is raising dragons in the dungeons to feed them to if they step out of line" Felix recited from memory what he overheard on the way to Claude's office early this morning

"How impressive, the rumor this time have some  truth mixed to them"

"What? Your Majesty! Are we really secretly raising a dragon in the dungeon?" Felix excitedly asked as his eyes sparkled only to be met with Claude's deadpan stare which made him realize which half of the rumor is true and he paled whiter than a sheet


In the garden, Ambrose is staring at the roses he insisted on getting planted for his future sister Athy while the dragons flew and chased each other around a few feet away from him.

He can't be a good brother to Athy if he is scared of everything, how can he protect her if he's cowardly and weak?

"Ambrose! Where are you?! Ambrose!"

Ambrose looked towards where the shouting was coming from and he was shocked because it was his mother, who was dragging a visibly exhausted magician by the collar of his cloak. Based on the insignia embroidered it seems he was an Imperial magician of Gaudin

"Ambrose there you are! I was very worried, are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere?" Rabia removed her hold on the magician's collar, who fell on the ground completely exhausted, and fussed over Ambrose checking him over for so much as a scratch but there were none

"I'm fine mama" Ambrose said quietly as he looked towards the ground

"No, you're not" Rabia said softly "...but that's fine. We'll help you get through this"

"I heard you were unwell too" Ambrose said as he held his mother's hands tightly and looked worriedly in her eyes

"Mama just caught a cold, don't worry about it... now why don't we go inside to talk and have some snacks. I'm quite famished" Rabia said as she led him inside the palace to divert his attention somewhere else, since she herself was unsure of why she was getting sick

"What about him, mama?" Ambrose asked as he looked back at the unconscious magician on the grass, who was being sniffed curiously by two baby dragons

"Are those dragons?" Rabia curiously asked her son who nodded and she just nodded back for now. It seems to her that she need to have a thorough chat with Claude for what types of pets are acceptable for their son

"Oh don't worry about him, I'll just call someone to take care of him... he's quite amazing at teleportation magic, he teleported me from Gaudin straight to Arlanta and then from there to here without rest. I'll make sure to reward him for his efforts"


"Rabia" Claude greeted her in surprise as they crossed paths in the hallway as she and Ambrose were back from their afternoon tea at the Crystal Greenhouse

"Claude" Rabia greeted back with a soft smile on her face which was suddenly replaced with a surprised one when Claude quickly closed the distance between them and hugged her tight, she returned the hug just as tightly

"I'll be going to the library, I'll see you both at dinner" Ambrose hurriedly said as he pulled Felix with him, the small grin on his face was unmistakable

"I think our son just ditched us" Rabia joked with a slight chuckle but turned serious as Claude tightened his arms around her, she tried to pull back to look at his face but he wouldn't let her

"Let's just stay like this a little bit longer" Claude whispered against the top of her head as he closed his eyes and relished in the feeling of her warmth against him.

All the worries and fears he had when he heard the most important people in his life is hurt has finally dissappeared now that Rabia is in his arms and Ambrose is safe with him. All is right in his world now

"Are you sure we should be doing this in the middle of a hallway, where anybody could see us?" Rabia asked but didn't let go of Claude nonetheless

"I am the Emperor, no one would dare talk behind my back" Claude said with full confidence before carding his hand through her hair and scratching his blunt nails against her scalp causing a shiver to travel down her spine

"But if the Princess wants to take this somewhere private, who am I to refuse?"

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