Chapter 8

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"Welcome to Arlanta's boarding school, Prince Ambrose de Alger Obelia. We are very honored to have you learning in our halls." The headmaster greeted Ambrose with an undoubtedly happy expression on his face

"Thank you for taking the time to greet me personally, headmaster" Ambrose said respectfully, before looking around the headmaster's office and seeing different magic apparatuses scattered around and a ton of bookshelves filled with books he could recognize and some he only know by name due to its rarity

"As you know our school offers 3 different courses. First is the general course that offers classes about business, theories, law and some introductory classes to magical theory and swordsmanship. Second is our magic course that teaches anything and everything about magic since the beginning of time and lastly the Knight course" the Headmaster explained seriously

"Your entrance exam scores far exceeded our expectations. You had a perfect score and even garnered bonus points on your essays for your unique and better perspective on the problems presented... it was magnificent" he continued to compliment the young prince passionately

"Isn't perfection a standard for a prince?" Ambrose asked as his forehead creased in confusion, ever since he held a book and started reading all his tutors only expected perfection.

"People certainly expect perfection towards the royals but you must also remember that you are a human being, and humans are allowed to make mistakes. Inside the walls of this school, as soon as you pass the entrance exam all students here are equal regardless of status" The Headmaster said kindly, he too was no stranger to pressure and expectations

"I would take that into consideration, Headmaster" Ambrose said with a slow nod

"Good, now back to the task at hand... your scores can get you into the advanced classes in any course you would like. Please decide which course you would like to be categorized in"

"I'd like to be in the Magic course" Ambrose chose the course that made him even consider going to Arlanta in the first place and then he remembered his mother's hesitance in letting him go but later on agreed when the nobles raised the issue of his lack of friends, making Ambrose's eyebrow twitch in annoyance

"Is there something wrong, Prince Ambrose?" The Headmaster said worried that his opinion earlier made him overstep his boundaries

"No, nothing is wrong... I would also like to be able to attend advanced classes from time to time, but ultimately spend more classes with my peers of the same age group as me"

"Of course, we can certainly accommodate your request... but I would like to know why not go straight to the advanced classes?" The headmaster asked, unable to contain his curiosity as to why such an intelligent young boy would like to sit through the basic classes he already knows like the back of his hand just to spend time with his peers

"I need to obtain a friend during my stay here"


"I heard that the Prince of Obelia will be studying with us!"
"I've never seen him before but my mother said he was handsome"
"They all call him a genius, do you think it's true?"
"I heard he was sent here to learn how to make friends"
"What? Maybe he's not a genius after all, if he doesn't know something as easy as making friends"

Whispers about Ambrose floated down the hallways as students walked towards their classes but Ambrose ignored them all and walked with his head held high, confident in every step he takes an aura of elegance around him making everyone stop and stare at him in awe even those who dared whisper about him was enchanted

"Is that him?!"
"He's so beautiful"
"I'll sit beside him in class!"
"How insolent! I will be the one to sit beside him!"
"No, I will!"

In the end a meek looking person with long pink hair who always kept her head down has been seated beside Ambrose, the professor had to interfere before a huge fight broke out of the classroom and chose the only person who has no interest in fighting for the seat next to the Prince.

All throughout the morning classes the professor could only sigh in frustration because the students cannot focus on him at all, they kept trying to subtly glance towards where Ambrose was seated and what frustrates the professor was that the said Prince did not even pretend to listen in class but instead stared outside the window cloud watching

"That will be all for our morning classes, please proceed to the cafeteria in an orderly fashion for your lunch" The professor said with a sigh before leaving the classroom, it was only morning of the first day but he was already tired

Students started piling out of the classroom, not wanting to be last on the lunch line but three male students purposefully strode over towards Ambrose and his seat mate, who is trembling slightly while staring at her hands that were clutching her skirt tightly

"Jamie, what are you still doing here sitting comfortably? Shouldn't you be running to the cafeteria to get our lunch?" A green haired boy, presumably the leader of the trio yanked the girl's hair back making her wince and glare at him

"You're so insolent. Your mother mustn't have taught you manners... you're just like her aren't you?" lackey number 1 sneered down at her, making the girl glare harder and bite her lip or she'll say something that would make the abuse worse

"Why aren't you answering? You're so disrespectful!" Lackey number 2 said angrily and was about to slap her when Ambrose's hand shot out to stop it before it could land on her cheek

"You're noisy. Stop barking" Ambrose said in a bored tone before letting of the hand he intercepted and he raised his finger up making the bully trio rise up in the air making them squirm and shout at him

"I told you stop barking" With that, he waved his hand towards the door making them fly out the open door and crash outside the hallway. A few seconds after, Ambrose stood up from his seat and walked towards the door

"Y-you didn't have to do that" the girl said in a whisper but the room was empty and silent that Ambrose heard it clearly and turned around

"I didn't do it for you. I just don't like noisy barking dogs"

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