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2 weeks later

Louis was still distant. He was confused. He was scared. He didn't even see his alphas. He didn't knew who they truly were. Dave's words were always struck in his mind. How could he love them if he didn't knew their half of lives. He sighed as he stood up and changing into some sweats 

He walked out of the room as he saw the alpha's siting on the couch. He cleared his throat making them stand up. "I want to go to Niall's" Louis said in a stern voice. Edward said,"I'll drop you". Louis hmmed in response as he left. Edward was about to go after him but he felt his wrist being held. He turned around to see Harry holding him. He moved to him as he said,"Eddie. Please talk to him. We are miserable without him". Edward nodded pecking his lips. He pecked Marcel's lips as he got out to see Louis siting in the front seat.

He quickly climbed in and started driving. After some silence Edward asked,"Are you still mad at us?". Louis sighed as he replied,"I'm not mad. I-I just don't know who you are". Edward said,"We are ready to give in Louis. Please give us a chance". Louis turned him gulping the lump in his throat as he said in a low tone,"Okay". After some time, Louis asked,"Can we go to somewhere private?". Edward nodded as he took a turn.


"This is the bakery Harry used to work in. He loved the simple life" Edward said. Louis saw the small bakery. It was cute. They went inside as a woman went ahead and hugged Edward she said,"Oh my god. Harry. After so long". Edward said,"I'm Edward Mia". Mia giggled and patted Edward's butt as she said,"Oops. After so long son". Edward hmmed as he said,"We got busy". Mia giggled as she said,"Oh I know your busyness you cheeky little monkey. Where's Nick?". Louis lowered his head as he heard his name. He knew he was the alpha's first omega and he thought he was their first.

"Umm this is Louis. Our omega" Edward said introducing Louis. Louis gave her a soft smile as Mia said,"You're a beautiful omega Louis". Louis thanked her as she gave them a table to settle on.

As soon as they sat Louis asked,"Who is Nick?". Edward sighed as he replied,"I'll start from the start". Louis nodded as Edward started,"When we were in high school. We had different omegas. But we realized that we were different than the normal brother. Brothers don't kiss each other or say I love you's. People used to point that out alot. Even the omegas we chose. At the end none stayed. We decided to not take any omega because we couldn't give each other time". Edward took a deep breath as Louis held Edward's hand. Edward added,"We saw him in a club. He was drunk and on the verge of passing out. We got him home and fell for him on the first time. We were just so attached to him. He was the main reason we got into all this killing stuff". Louis asked,"How?". Edward replied,"Once any alpha grouped him. We killed him on the spot not even thinking once. It was one I had anger issues. So our father had to pull up some strings. As we already got blood on our hands, he said it would be good for our business too and here we are".

Louis hmmed in response. He was jealous of this Nick. He had the alphas wrapped around his fingers. Edward said,"But he left". Louis turned his gaze to him as he stated,"W-We wanted to court him. Marry him and have pups with him. But-But he just left one day. After almost half a year we saw him. In the same club with another alpha, pregnant. He was with him while he was with us. It just broke us and then we decided not to let anyone get near our hearts". Edward shifted closer holding Louis' hand.

Louis was about to say something but Mia came up with a small cake and tea. Louis thanked her as he went ahead. Louis asked,"Why did he leave though?". Edward replied,"He said we were too much too handle". Louis snapped,"That's not true". Edward gave a soft smile as Louis said,"Its his loss. He left such good alphas". Edward giggled as he said,"Thanks princess". Louis blushed at getting his nickname back.

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