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Louis was panting as he wasn't able to keep himself put. Sweat started forming on his forehead as he reached out to his alphas but found none. He quickly opened his eyes, breathing heavily feeling hot. His heat started.

He quickly reached for his phone as he called Marcel. Marcel was quick enough to pick the call as he said,"Hello darling". Louis asked,"W-Where are you all?". Marcel chuckled as he replied,"We are in the office love. We didn't wanna disturb you so we won't be home tonight". Louis sighed and replied,"You don't have to do this. I'll stay in the room". Marcel giggled and said,"It might be easy for you but not for us. We could smell you this morning". Louis blushed as he asked,"Did you have breakfast?". Marcel hmmed in response as he said,"Your breakfast will be given to you in the room". Louis hmmed as he said,"Okay. Take care. Love you". Marcel smiled as he replied,"I love you too darling".

Louis was abit refiled hearing his alpha's voice but it wasn't enough. He quickly went to the bathroom and stripped down. He soon started his assault with himself.


"Did he wake up?" Edward asked. Marcel nodded as he replied,"He was asking for us. I could hear him panting". Harry giggled as he said,"Poor Lou". Edward replied,"Don't worry. He'll be ready one day and then we'll help him". Marcel and Harry agreed as Marcel said,"Why don't we send chocolates and flowers for him. Maybe he'll feel better". Harry nodded as he turned to Edward. Edward replied,"Yeah we should". Marcel noticed how different he sounded as he reached out and held Edward's shoulder. He asked,"Is something wrong Eddie?". Edward giggled as he replied,"Its just. It's the first time after so many years we are gonna take care of our omega, emotionally".

The triplets smiled looking at each other fonding over their omega.


"Louis there's a parcel for you" Dave said knocking on Louis' door. Louis groaned as he stood up wearing a gown and walked outside. His gaze fell upon the box of chocolate and a bouquet of Rose's. Louis smiled as he bent down picking them up. "What do you think you're doing?" Eleanor asked. Louis stood up as he replied,"Nothing that bothers you". Eleanor rolled her eyes as she replied,"Its not for you". Louis showed her the nametag which clearly had Louis written over. He smirked and said,"Now if you leave me. My alphas just got me some chocolate". Eleanor groaned as he walked out.

Louis giggled as he walked back into his room. He was a smily boy as he read the letter his alphas wrote.

Lou we know you're having a hard time. But we wanted to remind you that we love you and will do no matter what.

Take care baby, love you.

Louis smiled as he took a sniff of the Rose's. He smiled and unpacked the chocolate box. He took a bite and thought of a great idea. He grabbed his phone and took a selfie. As he saw it was good, he quickly sent it to his alphas.

"Glad you liked them" Edward replied. Louis smiled as he was about to call them, a knot started forming in his stomach.


"Hey its getting late. Aren't you all gonna go home?" Liam asked the triplets. Harry replied,"Nah we're gonna work night too". Liam furrowed his eyebrows as he asked,"Won't Louis get mad or worried?". Edward replied,"He knows and he's in heat so yeah". Liam hmmed as he said,"Alright I go home. My mate is waiting". The triplets waved him Liam left with Zayn.

"How was the meeting?" Harry asked tuning to Edward. Edward replied,"It was alright. They wanted more material in cheaper rates". Marcel asked,"So what did you do?". Edward replied,"Got a price fixed". Harry and Marcel hmmed in response as they were about to say somthing, Edward's phone buzzed.

Edward furrowed his eyebrows seeing the unknown number as he picked it up. "Hello" Edward said.

"I miss you alphas"

Edward quickly hung the call as he turned to his brothers while panting. Marcel and Harry walked closer to him as they asked,"Eddie what's wrong? Who was on the call?". Edward replied,"N-Nick". Marcel sighed as he said,"Eddie". Before he could say anything, Edward started babbling,"What the fuck does he want. Now that we are happy. Now that we are over him and he". Harry cut him off as he said,"That. We are over him Ed. He's just tryna get to our nerves. Let's just forget about him?". Marcel nodded as he said turning to Edward,"Eddie, we have Louis now. Let's just forget about our past and live in the present".

"How the fuck did he got my number" Edward confessed. Marcel and Harry looked at each other with confused expressions as Harry said,"He might've asked his alpha". Edward and Marcel nodded as Edward was abit calm. They wrapped their arms around each other trying to cheer each other.


"We need to talk" Eleanor announced as she glared at her alphas. The triplets turned to her as Edward asked,"What?". Eleanor replied,"We need to talk about you all treat me and Louis differently". Marcel replied,"That's because we were forced to marry you". Eleanor replied,"Oh really I think that's the same shit that happened with Louis. He gets the gifts and love from you all and I don't. Why alphas?". Harry replied,"Eleanor just drop this".

"No I'm not gonna do that" Eleanor said with tears pricking in her eyes. The triplets knew they were fake. They knew Eleanor from their childhood. She was nothing but selfish. They knew if they even tried getting closer to her, Louis wouldn't be happy. And that's what they wanted. Louis to be happy.

"Oh really. No reply. Okay then. I'll tell Louis how you got married with them. What you did to his uncle and his family" Eleanor threatened......

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