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"I'll go get it" Liam announced as they all heard the bell ring. Edward and Zayn furrowed as Edward asked,"Who could it be?". Marcel added,"No one is allowed to come in Eddie". The alphas stood up quickly as Edward ordered,"Harry quickly take the omegas to the basement". In a sudden moment, Niall winced, he said,"A-Alpha". Zayn cupped his cheeks as he said,"Baby I need you to stay strong. Okay. Now go. I love you". Niall replied with an I love you. Louis turned to Marcel as he asked,"What is happening Marcy?". He didn't reply as Louis was being pulled by Harry.

"What's going on Harry?" Louis asked in panic. Niall was tearing up as Louis held his hand. Harry replied in his alpha voice,"I want you to just stay quite for now". Louis furrowed his eyebrows as they both were thrown into the basement. Niall hugged Louis crying on his shoulder. Louis rubbed his back as he enquired,"What happened Ni?". Niall answered,"A-Alpha. In pain". Louis encouraged,"No Ni. They are all okay. Nothings going to happen to them".

Niall sniffed as he said,"There must be attack. We shouldn't have come here". Louis asked in confusion,"Attack?". Niall nodded as he replied,"Some people are behind them. I don't know someone named Tony". Louis glanced to the floor thinking about his alpha's safety. He wanted them safe and sound. Niall had calmed down but still they were close to each other. The omegas were in a small space while their alphas were fighting. It was a tough position.

The small omegas jumped when they heard a thug on the door. Their breath shortened as they heard someone say,"They're inside. I can smell them".
Louis whispered,"We need to do something". Niall shaked his head with big eyes. He connected his mind with his alphas.

Alphas. We are in danger.

We'll be there. Zayn replied.

Where is Liam? Why isn't he answering me? Niall asked.

He's safe baby. I need you to be quite. We'll be there. Zayn replied.

As Niall came back, he gasped thinking about his alpha. He whispered,"They're coming". Louis nodded as he held Niall's hand. He took him to a corner where they kneeled down and tried to hide. The thugs on the door had increased. He was worried that any time, the door could break. "Their scents are increasing. Two omegas are in there" they heard a voice say.

Louis closed his eyes covering his face in his palms. He could feel shadows around them. As he felt a hand around him, he screamed his heart out. He could hear Niall's screaming too. He opened his eyes, seeing all the men around them. He was already crying and seeing the horrific men around him was giving him more and more panic. The omegas were kicking and tossing around trying to get out of their grip.

In a sudden moment, he felt the scent of his alphas engulf his nose. He turned his head seeing them rushing in. They were covered in blood. Edward had a blood all over his right arm which he was holding. Louis left a breath seeing them. Marcel threatened,"Leave them now". The man holding Louis said,"Ohh so he's the new omega. Funny though I thought you could do better". Harry pulled his gun out as he stepped forward with a serious look. He ordered,"Leave him alone. Now". The man ordered,"Kill them". The alphas eyes widened as they heard the words.

Zayn and Liam screamed,"NOOO". The alphas rushed ahead taking their guns out as Harry's finger pulled the trigger as the bullet hit the perosn holding an injection to Louis' neck. The person fell to the ground as Louis took the advantage and ran to his alphas. Edward and Marcel shot the men around Niall as Zayn and Liam killed the other around. For Niall it was too late. He immediately fell on the ground. Zayn and Liam rushed to their little one as Liam said,"Baby. I'm here. Baby please wake up".

Harry said,"Liam. Zayn take Niall to the hospital now". The nodded as they picked their omega up and rushed outside. Their hearts were racing seeing their little one in their arms like that.

Louis on the other hand was processing everything just happened. As he felt his three alphas around him, he left a breath. He was back to his senses. They asked,"Are you okay?". Louis gave them a soft nod. His glare turned to Edward as he asked in panic,"W-What happened Eddie?". Edward shaked his head wrapped his arms around his omega. Louis hugged him tightly as he felt two more pair around him.

"I'm so glad you're safe" Marcel confessed. Louis wiped his tears sniffing as he held their hands and said.

I love you alphas

The alphas were in shock. They never thought Louis would fall for them. They felt that Louis was too good them. Edward was the first one to come out of the thoughts as he replied with a huge smile,"I love you too princess". Harry giggled and announced," I love you too Lou". Marcel replied with a huge grin,"I love you too darling". The pair giggled as they joined their foreheads.

Edward pecked his lips as Marcel did the same with Harry the next. Louis giggled as he wiped their tears away. He said,"I like my alphas smiling only. No crying". The alphas giggled as Harry said,"We should go. It's not safe". Everyone agreed as they stepped out of their beach house.

Louis saw the large amount of people outside and alot of black cars. Louis was taken by his alphas to one of the cars as they climbed in. Louis said,"I want to meet Niall. I'm worried about him". Marcel replied,"After we get you checked baby". Louis turned to Edward keeping his gaze on the blood on his arm. Louis asked,"Why is there so much blood?".  Edward replied,"I was stabbed"....

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