Chapter 7

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He looked at me confused, "How'd you-" he stopped himself and looked at the ground. He looked up again, "It's brook right?"

I gulped and nodded my head. He stayed quiet nodding his head. He didn't say anything.

It was awkward.
That lasted for a few minutes till he looked behind me then widened his eyes, "BRIAN!?" He rushed behind me and looked at his manager checking him all over.

I just stood there watching him. Brian coughed and blinked a couple of times before sitting up, "Cam."

"What happened?" Cameron's eyes widened even more. You could see the worry evident in his expression. It made my heart sink. Seeing him like this made me feel mad at myself. I could've saved him earlier, he would've been less bruised.

His manager coughed again shaking his head, "Im fine. What happened was," I held my breath hoping it would work, "I was walking without looking. A car was heading my way and then this girl here," he stopped an pointe at me as I awkwardly shifted from side to side, "Came to the rescue. She jumped and pushed me away. I fell on the ground by the hard impact, that's why I'm bruised but, atleast I didn't die." He directed his look to me and smiled a smile of appreciation.

Cameron's shoulders relaxed. He looked at me and then walked over to me. I widened my eyes and kept my gaze on the ground. I didn't notice how close we were. He put his fingers on my chin and pushed it up softly so my eyes met his. My breath hitched. He looked at me and did a half smile, "Why are you always the one saving people?"

Holy, am I obvious? Is he seeing it? If anyone finds out, they're sure to probably give me up to the police. They'll probably be scared, I mean who wouldn't be scared of a girl that can have fire, wind and water come out of her hands? Who wouldn't be scared of a girl who can tell before time? Even I'm scared of myself...

I didn't answer cameron, it can stay as a rhetorical question. I ignored him and coughed stepping back a bit, "Why aren't you at the meet and greet?"

He went over and sat on a chair closing his eyes, "I don't feel really good. I did go down , but I started barfing so te boys Insisted for me to come back to our room, and here I am."

"Oh, well you should rest."

He opened his eyes and looked at me, "How can I relax when there's a girl in the same room as me?" He raised his eyebrow.

I widened my eyes and started stuttering. I pointed to the door "o-oh so-rry. I'll, I'll be on my way." I was about to walk out the door when cameron stopped me laughing, "Brook I'm just kidding."

My shoulders relaxed, I nodded my head. I went towards Brian and wet a towel cleanin his bruises and cuts. I could feel cameron looking at me from the back, I felt uncomfortable.

"You're so.." Cameron started. I stopped and looked behind me. I raised my eyebrow urging him to continue.

He shook his head and mumbled a 'nevermind.'

Cameron eventually fell asleep on his bed and I was feeling a bit tired. I sat on the chair after cleaning their manager up eventually, falling asleep myself.

I flickered my eyes open to be met with a pair of big brown eyes. I shrieked leanin back in the chair.

Matthew started laughing. I huffed crossing my arms. "That was rude." I mumbled.

Matthew shook his head still laughing, "No, that was funny."

I looked around and saw all the guys were back. It was really loud. There was music playing and people jumping on the bed. I looked out the window and saw him dark it was. Damn, I Should be home by now. I got up from my seat and was about to walk out of the door, hoping no would notice.

"Where are you going?" DeJaVu.

I looked at Aaron and smiled, "Im going home." I faked a laugh, "You know, don't want to make my mom worried." I swallowed my spit. Tsk, I wish.

"Oh, okay," he nodded, "Well you shouldn't go alone."

I chuckled tilting my head to the side, "What do you mean?"

"You're still hurt you know, it's not safe for a girl to walk home alone."

I chuckled, "It's alright, I always take night walks alone. I can handle it."

Aaron nudged, "Nope. One of us are going with you."

Immediately everyone's hands went up, "I volunteer."

I sighed, this really wasnt needed.

At the end, Shawn won their competitive rounds of rock, paper, scissors.

We waved a bye at the boys and walked out.

"Soo," Shawn put his hand in his pockets as we went into the elevator.

"Soo," I repeated.

We looked at eachother and burst out chuckling.

The elevator door dinged open.

Shawn stopped and turned around looking confused, "Hold up, is your house a walking distance from here?"

I looked around the area we were in. I nodded my head looking at him, "Yup it's about 10 minutes away."

We started walking home. Although it was awkward, Shawn managed to make us have little conversations as we were walking.

I noticed the familiar street, "Oh, we're on my street. My house is number 1103."

We started walking before Shawn stopped, "1103, this must be your ho-" he stopped and looked behind me with his mouth dropped and eyes widened.

I laughed shaking my head, "What's so-" I turned around and, I couldn't believe what stood before my eyes.

I put my hand over my mouth and gasped. Tears were spilling down my face.

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