Oh How Time Flies

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It's been a few months.

Clara has been living with me. A few days shortly after she confessed her love, we started dating. My mom was okay with the idea of Clara staying with me, I was relieved. Clara's dad has been blowing up her phone though, and it only makes me more worried. And the nights that Clara feels hopeless, I'm always there for her. I get to wake up every morning and see her angelic face. I feel as though my life is perfect, there's nothing more I need. Nothing at all, just Clara. Only Clara.

We continue to go to school normally. I worked hard on getting my grade up, every night Clara helps me with homework. My grades ended up getting a lot better, with an average of B's and A's. I can thank Clara for that. Anthony was heart broken when he found out Clara liked me, but we decided later on to set him up with Jaylee. They seemed to get along well for a couple months, then just recently, started dating. It was yet another situation that was fixed.

Anthony and I became closer friends, once you get past all the annoyance, he is actually a good guy, and funny too. He seems to also have a common interest in music like me. And Jaylee, she has gotten close to Clara as well. Just both girls enjoying high school gossip and romance books. It made me happy to see Clara becoming happier and happier as the days passed. Not only do I get to hang out with her most of the school days now, I get to stay with her at home and all through the weekend. It's perfect.

My life has been perfect.

I stare at the clock on the classroom wall. I got moved into more advanced classes, and this class had both Clara and Anthony in it. I tap my pencil on the desk while staring at the paper in front of me.

I knew most of the answers except the last one. It was worded weirdly and I couldn't quite understand what it was asking.

"Kai," I hear my name being whispered, I look to my left. Clara smiles at me and whispers, "the last one is 2.304 to the power of 7."

"Oh," I whisper back. I quickly wrote the answer, and suddenly the question made a lot more sense. "Thank you."

"No problem, darling." She turns back to her paper.


I finish the test and turn it in right after Clara does. Anthony was surprisingly already done with the test long before us, I guess I underestimated his intelligence back then.

School was going to end soon, summer was just around the corner and I can't wait to be able to spend it with Clara. She's everything to me and I will do anything to protect her.

I sit back down after turning my test at the front of the classroom and look over at Clara. She cut her hair short a few weeks ago, which makes me a bit sad but I still think she's absolutely stunning no matter what. Clara rolls her pencil around on her desk. She still has a bit of childishness in her and it only makes me smile.

God, she's perfect.

I lean back in my chair and look at the clock once more. A few minutes only remained until school would end. I look over at Anthony who is chewing on the end of his pencil.

About a minute later I hear that sweet, earraping sound of the bell that sounds like roadkill. I get out of my seat quickly and grab my backpack. I turn to Clara and smile. She quickly grabs my hand and starts heading toward the door.

She turns back to Anthony and waves goodbye, "have a nice summer, Tony!" She would quickly say before leaving the classroom.

I let her lead me out of the school, she stops to hug Jaylee good bye then continues to hurry me out to the parking lot. We head to the car and get in.

I start the engine, "gosh, that excited for summer?" I ask.

She laughs, "only excited to spend it with you."

I feel my heart do a 360, and I smile to myself, "not as excited as I am"

I drive us back to my house and we head inside. I greet my mom real quick who is in the kitchen and then quickly head upstairs to my room with Clara. We drop our backpacks on the floor and I sit on the bed.

"School is finally out," I say as she comes over to me and places her hands on the sides of my face lightly.

She smiles, "Finally." She leans forward and wraps her arms out my neck, pushing me back on the bed.

"Woah, calm down, we just got home." I laugh slightly as I wrap my hands around her waist.

She kisses me on the cheek lightly, "can't we celebrate the beginning of summer?"

I chuckle and shake my head, "not right now, plus, my mom is downstairs silly."

She rolls off to the side and laughs, "you're right...but..." she turns towards me and wraps her arms around me, "that doesn't stop me from cuddling you, darling."


God it gets me everytime.

I run my hair through her short, blonde and beautiful hair, "I'm not stopping anything."

My life is perfect.

My life was perfect.

I hear the doorbell ring and we both quickly sit up. Clara looks at me and shrugs, "might be Jaylee." Jaylee would come over often to hang out with Clara so it wouldn't surprise me if it was.

Curious, we both headed down stairs and saw who was at the door.

My heart stops.

At the door was a policeman, standing tall and talking to my mom, who happened to be panicking. We both quickly rush to the door.

"No you can't! She-" My mom would say before I interrupt her.

"What's going on?" I ask the blue suited man.

He flashes his badge at me, "I'm Officer Waren, I'm with the police department. We have gotten a report from Clara Hanson's father saying you illegally took custody of his daughter. We have come to take her back to her rightful and registered parental guardians. You are unable to keep her at your residence."

I want to punch the man in the face.

"You can't take her!" I say, my fists starting to ball up. Clara hides behind me, I can hear her shaky breathing, which only makes me want to punch Officer Waren even more.

"Sorry sir but we can." He looks over my shoulder, "is that the girl right there? We ask you to politely return Ms. Hanson peacefully and we won't have to take you to court."

My mom steps in, "But Officer! You don't understand! Her father-"

"Ma'am, I can not let you keep this child. It is against the law."

Abuse is against the law too you fucking moron.

I try to cut in, "Officer-"

"Sir, please move aside," Officer Waren asks.

"No," I stand firmly.

"Listen, I know you might be having the time of your life with your girlfriend here and all. But she can't stay here." I can feel my face turn an embarrassing red as the stupid cop shoves me aside and grabs Clara by the arm.

Clara does nothing.

She doesn't fight.

She doesn't scream.

She only looks back at me once and mouths the sentence,

"I love you."

Before turning away.

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