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I sit on my bed, staring at the pocket sized notebook. Should I open it? I don't know. I'll give it back. I promise.

Yeah, I'll give it back.

"Kai! Get down here!" I hear my mom call in her "you're-in-trouble" voice, and I throw the dark blue notebook to the side and stomp down the stairs. "What?"

"So you were sent to the principal's office today?" She asks, crossing her arms and staring at me.

"Yep," I say nonchalantly.


"I said, 'yes ma'am' to a teacher,"

"Don't lie to me."

"I'm not lying," I shrug.

"Fine. Go to your room, you're grounded." Well that sure lasted.

"Alright," I say, about to turn around and head up the stairs, before I could leave she stops me and puts her hand out in front of her. I turn around slowly and look at her from the second step of the stairs.

"Phone." She says, still mad.

"Uhhh, I don't have a phone," I play dumb.

"Phone." She says, more firmly this time.

I sigh and place my phone in the palm of her hand and head off to my room.

The notebook lies on my bed, inviting me to go and read it. But I shouldn't...but I want to. Maybe just one page. Yeah. Just one.

I sit down on my bed and pick up Clara's notebook. Just one page. I turned the cover of the book and started reading. I noticed most of the pages were ripped out but I found a few that weren't.

Today I talked to Kai, like usual. He seemed the same. I wish I could cheer him up. I want everyone to be happy.

Just one more page couldn't hurt. I'll give it back.

I wish Kai could catch up in school, so that we could have every class together. I know he can be smart somewhere in that brain of his. Also today my dad was-

The rest of the page was ripped so I wasn't given the chance to finish reading it. Alright, one more. I promise, this is the last one.

Anthony asked me out today-

Alright I'm done. I throw the notebook on the floor and lie down. I'll give it back tomorrow, I promise. I stare at the ceiling for a long time. Then the world slowly fades away.

"Kai!" Clara runs up to me, looking kind of angry and worried. "Did you take my notebook?"

"Uh. No." I say, my stomach dropping and starting to ache with guilt.

"You did! You did! I know you did!" She says, her voice raising.

"Okay, I did!" I start getting pissed. I take a step forward and she slightly flinches but keeps her angry expression.

She crosses her arms, "I trusted you Kai," she said, shaking her head in disbelief.

"I- I'm sorry Clara- I..." My voice trails off as Anthony appears behind her and wraps his arms around Clara in a loving way and smirks in a some what villainous way, which made me wanna throw a huge rock at that stupid face of his.

"I trusted you..." She says while the two of them walk away together.

The two of them.


Anthony and Clara.

Both of them together.

Her with the idiot.

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