[• Part 6• ]

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"Don't try anything" I say as I reached for the door handle.

"Don't worry, I won't darling" Loki says.

"Don't call me darling"

I open the door and see Steve, he has this look of guilt on his face, I ask him what happen and he tells me that the boy got severely hurt, and he might be close to death. I rush out of the room and go straight to the med-bay where I see a red headed girl sitting next to the boy I saw in my vision. She was holding his hand and looked like she was crying, I knew it wasn't my place but I felt the need to comfort her so that's what I did, I walked up to her and put my hand on her should as a way to comfort her.

"I'm sorry.." I whisper.

"Who are you?" She asks as she looks up at me. I noticed she had an accent, I did not know where it was from but it sounded like a Russian accent to me.

"I'm y/n" I say, "I warned them, I really wanted to protect him"

"You did, you warned them and another avenger flew in and blocked most of the shots, he got hurt too but he's alright now, he's in a different room" she says.

"Steve says he got severely injured..." I says "I thought he died, I couldn't reach him or you"

"He did... I felt his heart stop, it was like-"

"A part of you was ripped out" I continued.

"Exactly, like a part of me was ripped out"

"I know, I lost a sibling too,we were connected so when he died I felt it" I say

We stay silent for a while, both of our eyes are focused on the machine that shows his heartbeat and that is breathing for him, my eyes are focused on the lines and the deep at every heart beat as I try to think of way I can help, once in a while there is a spike in his heart beat which concerns both of us. Then it hits me, I could use my healing powers, with her permission of course, but I'll need to know more about his injuries, one wrong move and it's the end.

"Do it" she says.

"What?" I ask.

"I read your mind, sorry, but you should do it, I'll tell you everything you need to know just help him" she says.

"Are you sure..." I pause realizing that I never got her name.

"Wanda, my name is Wanda, and he's pietro, my twin brother" she says. "And yes I am sure"

"Alright" I sit down next to Wanda and explain how this is going to work, I do not know about his injuries but I'm sure she does, the avengers must have told her. I explained to her the process of his healing and my magic, she told me that there was still a bullet in his abdomen and we needed to get it out before I could heal him.

As we were discussing Bruce came in with some kind of robot next to him, and I'm guessing he had heard out conversation because he was not happy about it nor was he going to let us go through with it.

"You can't do that, it'll kill him" Bruce says.

"Mr.Banner is correct, there is a 98.9% chance that Mr.Maximoff could die from this procedure" the robot says.

"Tony has done it again" I say under my breath. "First of all, yes we are, we know the chances but Wanda is okay with it, she'll go any mile to save her brother and I would do the same if I had the chance to, and second of all what is that thing?" I said pointing to the robot.

"I am vision, a humanoid created to assist the avengers, I was first created by Ultron as a body for him to transfer his consciousness into" vision says

"As if one robot wasn't enough now we got another one, stark is getting out of hand" I say.

"I was not created by Mr.Stark, I was created by Ultron, and Ultron is now gone thanks to Ms.Maximoff" vision says.

"Yeah but I'm sure Starks technology was used" I say and turn back to Wanda. "Let's do this, scan his body so we can locate the exact place of the bullet, we take it out slowly so it doesn't touch anything it's not supposed to and I will start to heal him as you take it out" I say.

"I said you can't do it! It'll kill him!" Bruce says.

"Unless they have my assistance and yours, two of us could stabilize him and the other two could get the bullet out and heal Mr.Maximoff" vision says. "But there is a small chance he will survive"

"I'll take that chance" Wanda says. "And so would he"

"Fine, let's do this" Bruce says with a sigh.

Bruce and vision went to one side and Wanda and I went to the other, vision scanned Pietro's body to find the exact place where the bullet had gotten stuck in. Then bruce connected the x-ray machine and we began. I put a hand on Pietro's head and tried to keep him stable by putting memories in his head, any and all good memories I could think of, the people from my memories would be replaced by the people he truly cares about. With the other hand I started to heal as they slowly took the bullet out. The bullet was almost all the way out when all of a sudden the line went flat.

I turned the Wanda, her face had lost all color, she looked pale and so did Bruce but Bruce also had a look of guilt in his eyes, he felt guilty that he couldn't stop us. But I didn't feel anything because I could still transfer memories, he was still with us.

"Continue" I said. "The machine is malfunctioning because of my powers, continue" I repeat.

And we continue, the bullet gets taken out, I heal Pietro fully, transfer all my memories back and we clean up.

The machine starts beeping again and Wanda who once looked like she was going to throw up because of how pale she was looking was back to normal color.

"Thank you" she hugged me.


A couple hours later he woke up, Wanda was with him all day, she reminded me of myself just with a little bit more anger issues. I talked to Pietro for a while while Wanda went to get him food, He was nice as well, but unlike his sister he was more sarcastic, he joked about everything, I saw that it was a way for him to cope with everything that had happened. The two are opposites of each other but I guess that's what makes their bond so special, plus they only have each other left.


Word count: 1168

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