[• Part 16•]

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I woke up in a dark room, I looked around but there seemed to be no windows or any source of light but a door in front of me. I tried to get up but was pulled back down by the chains in my wrists. I was about to use my magic to get rid of the chains when the door opened.

"Don't try. You're not getting out of here anytime soon" said a voice as they walked in.

The light from the open door shined into my eyes making me shut my eyes tight. The door was closed making the room dark again until a light is turned on but I do not bother to even look at where the source of light came from.

"You know, you could get out of here if you just give us what we want" Thor says.

"Forget about it" I spit at him.

"Well that's not very lady like" Odin says.

"I'm not a lady, nor am I a man" I say. "I may look like a lady but I promise you I'm far from that"

"Don't you want to be free again child?" Odin asks me.

"Freedom is the universe's greatest lie" I respond.

"The suit yourself" Thor says and they both leave.

They close the door behind them leaving me in the darkness once more. I try to sleep to pass the time but it only makes it worse. Every time I close my eyes I see Loki and all the others who have sacrificed something for me, but I mostly see Loki. My heart aches as I think of all the pain he went through. And with that I come to a decision. If Loki's life is at steak, if his family is really willing to use him to get what they want then I'll let it be, I'll give them my powers in exchange for him. I'll turn mortal if it means I can save his life.

I try to tire myself out by thinking of scenarios. I think of ways to either escape or save Loki and I remember a conversation Loki and I had one night.

"They're going to find you" I remember Loki saying. "And when they do there will be no mercy for you nor me"

"Then that'll leave me no choice but to kill them" I say to him. "I know they are you family. But it's a matter of life and death. And I would rather kill than be killed"

I remember the hesitation on his face. He was scared, he was feeling grief already and it made sense. After all they are his family.

"I'll spare Frigga" I say "She was and I hope still is kind and caring unlike the others"

"She was alwa us like a second mother to me, I could never betray her"  I add.

Loki looked at me with relief in his eyes, I remember that vividly. That was when I realized that he didn't care for them, but only for Frigga, after that I found out that throughout the years she was the only one true to him. Her heart was pure as gold and probably still is. With that I made my final decision and fell right to sleep.

Hours later

I heard a freak on the other side of the door. I tilted my head slightly and saw a faint shadow behind the door.

"Who's there" I said trying to sound confident as the mystery person opened the door.

"It's okay, it's me darling" said the voice as they walked in. The voice was soft and belonged to a woman.

The woman was holding two candles in her hands. She walked in and put a candle on the small table next to the door and quietly closed the door behind her.

"It's me" she said as she walked closer. "I missed you" she cried and as she walked closer her picture came together. It was Frigga, the one I had been thinking about just before resting.

"Oh how I had missed you" she cried as she kneeled down and hugged me. "I promised your mother to take care of you, I'm sorry I couldn't keep that promise, oh look how you've grown" she said quietly as she caressed my hair.

"It's really you?" I ask Frigga. She nods as she puts the other candle down and hugs me.

"Oh dear... you're face" she said gently holding up my dirty and bruised face examining the wounds.

"Loki... if he okay" I said gently pushing her hand away.

"I don't know.. I don't know where he is, I haven't seen him, I'm sorry" she apologized.

"You know what I have to do after I get our right?" I ask her. "I know Thor is your child as well but if he gives me no other choice then I have to do it" I tell her.

She nods with the same hesitation that Loki had.

"I'm tired. I just want to feel normal for once" I say numbly.

She nods getting up and walking back into the shadows. She then returns with a bowl of water and a cloth and begins to clean the dirt and my wounds off my face.

"They... they didn't do this" I point to my face. "Loki and I just had a hard couple of days in Midgard and Vanir" I say.

"Yes I can see, these wounds don't look new" Frigga answers.

"Thank you but you should go... before they return. Find Loki and help him find me" I smile. "And no I can't use my magic here... These chains.. they seem to burn out my magic, I don't know what it is, it seems to be bits of collected technology from all around the universe"

She sighs and walks back to the door.

"Do what you must, but spare my sons, please" she says an closes the door behind her.

"I'm sorry, but I can't" I whisper.


Word count: 998

A/N: I know this chapter was short but I was running out of ideas and didn't want to put random things into it :)

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