00. the swan's theme

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September 2018

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September 2018

Dear diary, teach me how to fly...


What is the thing that makes you feel alive? Is it breathing, eating, sleeping, existing? In some ways, yes. But living is something entirely different. Enjoying the moment and savoring something that makes you truly happy is what makes a difference between living and being alive.

Regardless of the circumstances, people can find their reason to live. It can be a place, action, item, person.

Min Nari found her purpose in dancing. The opening night. The thrill of adrenaline rushed through her body as she stood on the grand stage. Nari closed her eyes, breathing in slowly, taking in the smell of her favorite place. The talking of people made the girl both nervous and relieved. She nervously peeked behind the big red curtain, a small smile rising on her face as soon as she saw her family. She walked back to her assigned place, fixing her tutu and adjusting her ballet shoes. 

She has been waiting for this moment her whole life. Training day and night to perfect her technique and get the lead role. And there she was, standing alone on the big stage of her town's famous theatre. She had to be perfect. Just as her teacher said, she needs to own up to her part. Everyone was watching.

As soon as the curtains opened, Nari felt like a different person. The applause echoed the area when the bright light reflected the petite girl. She danced gracefully, her feet swaying to the sound of the music. She resembled a swan, radiating with beauty and elegance. Her movements were so sharp but fluid, so emotional yet so firm. 

Swans are known for their elegant curved necks and beautiful feathered wings. What would a swan be without its wings? Same as Min Nari would be without dance.

 Would swans still be considered elegant and pure even without their delicate feathers? The thoughts crossed Nari's head when the stage she was dancing on turned upside down. The loud gasps of the concerned people rang in her ears, making the girl cover them in horror. The image of other dancers rushing to her side hardly entered her blurry vision, heavy hot tears tinting her soft cheeks.

The pain of her weak body wasn't as close as the one in her thumping chest. The unimaginable nightmare just came true. What now? How to live now? 

How can Min Nari continue living without her beautiful wings?


um not me writing angst over here...

anyways... i just wanted to post the preview to see if it will get any interest at all and I will be writing the rest beforehand so I can post it all together

I'm kinda scared bc i already cried creating the concept :') 

 I'm super excited so I'll try to write it asap thank you for checking it out and look forward to it hihi!!

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