01. act one

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Dear diary, 

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Dear diary, 

when does my fairytale begin?


Nari never particularly enjoyed hospitals. Surrounded by nothing but white walls and cold tiles, she refused to look up. The cold air and gloomy atmosphere made her feel very uneasy. She wasn't used to this environment. Why would she be? Nari was a healthy child majority of her life. She visited the hospital maybe a few times during her 18 years. Nothing more than the simple flu.

The sudden laugh made the girl wince as her eyes followed the loud sound coming from the nearby hall. It was a relatively young child, laughing as one of the nurses pushed the wheelchair she was sitting in. She also noticed a group of children approaching the mentioned girl, laughing and smiling alongside her. Nari raised her eyebrows, wondering how can someone be this happy in a situation like that. The girl couldn't walk, couldn't run, couldn't dance. How can someone live like that? How can someone be happy living a life like this? For Nari, it was unimaginable.

Her attention returned to the nurse and her parents, walking in front of her. Nari nervously played with her fingers as the nurse guided her and her parents to the waiting room. Her mother brushed her hair in an attempt to comfort her, but it wasn't hard to notice the trembling in the woman's hands.

The recollection of her falling on the grand stage the night before made the girl shiver from head to toe. A loud scream snapped her out of the painful thoughts, her head immediately fixing to the bland white door. Nari couldn't determine if the sound coming from the room across were cries of a child or a grown adult, possibly a parent.

She faintly heard the voice of the nurse calling them in, but she couldn't move. With her legs heavy and weak, Nari felt glued to the seat. It was the same sensation. The exact feeling she felt the night before caught her once again.

"Don't worry, doctor Byun is a professional. I'm sure there's nothing to worry about." her father smiled, lightly squeezing her hand and helping her get up. And in a second, the girl was back on her feet. Was it all in her head?

"Wait here for a moment. The doctor will arrive soon." the nurse said, leaving Nari and her parents alone in the comforting silence of what seemed to be doctor Byun's office. Nari found his office very intriguing. The number of dolls and colorful toys, in a way, made a girl feel a strange amount of support.

Her eyes traveled around the white walls covered in children's drawings until her vision reached the framed one right above the doctor's desk. This drawing was different. Nari would even call this one true art. It was a painting of a black swan spreading its feathers among a flock of regular white swans. She squinted her eyes closed, trying to catch the name of this breathtaking piece or perhaps even its artist.

"That one is my favorite too." a sudden unfamiliar voice tore Nari from her state of admiration, "I'm Doctor Byun Baekhyun. Nice to meet you, Nari."

The girl flashed him back a friendly smile before turning her attention back at the beautiful art piece.

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