02. how did love become love

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how did love become love

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how did love become love...


During her leisurely stroll, Nari was completely fascinated by the hallway surroundings. Technically, they were just plain, white walls with occasional patterns in each corner, but it wasn't the walls that held her attention. It was the beautiful pieces of art adorning the entire hall. The way they extended through the passageway created the ambiance of a grand gallery.

Her jaw dropped in awe at the sight of a familiar symbol on a painting positioned right across her room. This time, a lone black swan was displayed, resting amidst what appeared to be a river of white feathers. Another figurative painting? This artist must be remarkably talented. She stood on her toes, attempting to locate the artist's signature.

"What are you doing?" a new voice surprised Nari, making the girl turn around in confusion.

She scrunched her nose, eyeing the boy in front of her. He was dressed casually, his hair blocking Nari from properly seeing his eyes. He looked around her age, so it wouldn't hurt to make a simple conversation.

"I was just walking around," she answered, shrugging her shoulders, "getting to know the place, I guess."

"I see," he turned around to face the painting, "You've been staring at this one for a while."

"Are you stalking me?" she asked, genuinely curious.

The boy let out a small smile as he shifted to face the shorter girl, "You just seemed intrigued by my art. That's all."

"Oh," Nari started at the boy, then back at the painting, trying to connect the artist to his art. She smiled before returning, "Yes, I like it a lot."

"What do you like about it?" the boy raised his eyebrows, shocked at her truthful statement.

"I'm not sure if I can name only one thing," the girl tilted her head, "It just speaks to me."

"Your art has a specific symbol." she traced the painted black swan, "It represents you, doesn't it?"

The boy's eyes instantly widened, "How did you know that?"

She smiled at his reaction, "Artists find a way to express themselves."

"How do you express yourself then?" the boy sarcastically asked, not expecting a serious answer.

"Dancing. I'm a dancer." she smiled, looking at him, "I'd consider that a form of art as well."

"Hm, I wouldn't call dance art." the boy stated, earning a disappointing look from Nari.

"Why not?" she asked in an almost offended tone.

He was amazed at her persistence, making him somewhat interested in this unfamiliar girl. "Well, art is typically presented in a firm, visual form such as paintings or sculptures. Our emotions are there permanently. Produced to be appreciated for its emotion and beauty. You said it for yourself."

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