Chapter 8

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Alauna and Marco and part of André's 'show' in the MM! But don't look at the video until I say so!!

*Also, go check out more of BHarris's videos to see more of what André did in his... 'show'. Just go to YouTube and type in BHarris and they're the first videos that show up. ;).



"So, you gonna get up or are you gonna lay there all day?" I asked Marco as he just laid there on the ground looking shocked.

"Aye, what was that?" I heard Tay yell from upstairs. I looked up to see him looking over the railing and when I gave him a certain look, his face went hard, he nodded his head in understanding, and ran back into the room, locking it behind him.

I looked back at Marco and saw he was standing again.

"So, you gone fight me or you just gonna stand there like the little p*ssy you are?" I asked him tauntingly with a smirk on my face.

This nigga really don't know what he getting himself into.

"Zay! Babe! Y'all stop right now!" Launa yelled and tried to walk in between us, but when I gave her a certain look, she backed off.

"Aight, I give you that little slam or whatever you did, but you ain't gon' touch me again." Marco said confidently, but I won't scared or worried.

"Aight, we'll see about that." I said before I waved him to me.

We squared up and he threw the first punch, but he missed because I ducked at the last second and threw a right-hook to the side of his head. Surprisingly he took that hit like a real nigga, only staggering for a second, but it still won't good enough since I sent an uppercut to his stomach which had him doubled over.

"Aww, did that hurt the poor baby?" I cooed at him, just to piss him off more.

"Shut the f*ck up you worthless lil faggot *ss b*tch!" He yelled, only making my body go rigid.

When he said that, all those memories from my past came rushing back. All those times Miguel and DeAngelo used to yell that at me right before they beat me to a pulp. Even that time when they yelled it together when they beat me.... at the same time.... Even that one time when DeAngelo ra-

"BABE! WATCH OUT!" I heard Dré yell before I was tackled to the ground. I looked up and saw Marco's face, but then what he said registered in my head again and all I saw was Miguel and DeAngelo's face's switching back and forth with Marco's, and all I saw was red.

Using my free arm, I socked the sh*t outta his jaw, hearing a crack, but I knew I didn't break it, yet. Marco went flying off me from my hit, but I ain't give him the chance to get up.

I jumped right up, dived on top of him, and started going in on dude face. All you saw was lefts and rights being thrown and him trying to block my jabs. Getting up quickly, I gave him a chance to stand up and when he did, I rocked that *ss again.

I tried to swing at me but I caught his fist with my left, twisted it without breaking it and, using the bottom of my palm, and thusted my hand upward, but to the side, into his nose, breaking it with a sickening crack. Blood starting pouring everywhere out of his nose, but I didn't stop... I couldnt...

I threw a right to his jaw, an uppercut to his stomach, which had him doubled over again, and then sent my elbow straight to his back, knocked him face first into the floor where he just clutched his stomach and nose and groaned in pain.

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