Chapter 4:

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*Brigg and in the MM!
**Btw, this chapter starts where Xavier's POV left off.


I wonder what he had to talk to me about...

Hmm.. Oh well, I'll find out tonight.

Anyways, once I got home after picking up my sisters, I got the kids in the house and since little bit, Lauren, was sleep, I just laid her on my bed and laid beside her before pulling out my phone and texting Dré.

Me: Hey, are u ok? U was acting kinda weird when u left the school.

Dré;): Yea, I'm good.

Me: You sure?

Dré;): Yupp

Me: Soo.... what did u have to talk to me about?

Dré;): Oh.. ummm I wanted to know if you, well uk.., if you wanted to go see a movie or something... but only if u wanted to.

Me: Are you asking me out on a date??

Dré;): Well..... yes I am, but if you don't want to its ok...

"Shit!! I don't know if I'm ready for a date with anyone..." I thought to myself but then in that same moment, what Kay told me came into my mind.

Maybe it is time for me to move on..

Me: Umm, sure, yea.

Dré;): Are you forreal??

Me:Yea lol. Why wouldn't I be?

Dré;): Idk lol but are you okay with going this Saturday at around 7:30-8:00? I'll come and pick you up.

Me:Okay, that's cool with me. I'm not doing anything Saturday anyways.

Dré;): Okay good! :) Well ima go ahead and ttyl. I got some plans to get started on ;) lol

Me: Okay:). Bye Dré ;)

Dré;):Bye Zayy ;), and don't forget to txt me your address.

Me: Aight, I gotchu lol.

After that, I texted Dré my address and then texted Kay and Jazz and told them what happened and they were more excited than I was!! I was going to text Ty and Brigg, but then I remembered they both were still at school (Brigg wrestled and Ty did track. Kay did too, but she didn't go today because had a dentist appointment today) and I just didn't bother because I knew they weren't going to text back.

As I'm sitting there having a group chat with Kay and Jazz, I can't help but question if I made the right choice.

Like, am I ready for this? Can I finally move on with my life and let go of everything that those two put me through?

As I sat there thinking, I snuggled up to my baby sister and fell asleep thinking about Dré.

Skip to Date Night~

"Zay, if you don't bring yo scared ass out that bathroom, ima come in there and drag yo ass out of there by yo two front teeth, and that's all you will get for Christmas!" (Yes I added in some Madea lol. It just popped in my head when I was writing) KayKay yelled outside the bathroom door, making her, Jazz, Kay, Brigg, and I all bust out laughing at her craziness.

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