Disclaimer: I do not own Lab Rats or the parts of the plot from the book Girl Stolen by April Henry.
My hands wandered around the back seat of the car. Having no sense of sight was the worst disadvantage possible in my situation.
I heard the sound of another car door slamming shut. Whoever was pretending to be my dad was sitting right in front of me. I frantically rubbed my hand over the pebbly wall to find the handle. Once my fingers touched the smooth metal, I pulled on the lever with all my strength. It didn't budge. The engine started and the person chuckled.
"It's called a child safety lock, hun." He said, still in Dad's voice.
"Who are you?"
"What does it matter, Bree? You can't do anything now. Even if you knew who I was you couldn't stop me. You're with us now."
"Wanna bet?" I grumbled, reaching out in front of me. My hands flew past the headrest and clawed at the imposter's neck. My nails managed to scratch his skin, which I guess was a bonus. I was trying to find out if he was wearing a cyber mask.
"Gah! Let go of me!" He bellowed, grabbing at my hands. I continued searching his neck until I felt a smooth button. A cyber mask! He kept swatting at my hands but it didn't stop me. I ripped off the little button and he yelled at me again. I pulled back and threw the device on the floor, being sure to stomp on it until I heard a "crunch."
"You little, worthless brat! See what you did? Destroyed one of my perfect cyber masks!"
"Yeah, well maybe next time you shouldn't trick vision-impaired girls into a car that you stole," I snapped at Douglas, going back at his throat. I reached out but he wasn't close enough.
"Yeah, I guess you're right," he said surprisingly calm before something cold and firm pressed against my temple. "But maybe next time you shouldn't stand up against a guy with a gun and the will to use it."
I froze, terrified. My heart raced and my brain seemed to stop processing everything except for the words, "This is the end."
"Now I want you to sit back down, shut your mouth and behave like a good little hostage. One word and I'll shoot." I nodded, fearing that what he was saying was one hundred percent true. Douglas never showed any mercy. Chase was proof enough to convince me that.
"That's a good Bree," he praised, removing the barrel of the gun from my head. I sighed in relief.
The engine started up and I felt the framiliar seats beneath me begin to shake a little with the car. Was this really how the rest of my life would be? Imprisoned inside a lab with an abusive man and unruly bionic teens who chose the criminal life? Was this how it would end for me? I refused to even think about the hardships I would endure forever in that lab. The pain would be endless.
The car sped forward, the tires bumping over the gravel road. I began to feel nauseous from the thick cigarette smoke hanging in the air. Clearly Douglas had no respect for items he stole in addition to his stepson.
Douglas suddenly muttered a curse as the car jerked to the left, forcing my head to collide with the glass window. I groaned and reached for my head. I heard the driver's door slam shut, signaling that I was finally alone. There was a throbbing spot on the side of my head. I touched it with my fingertip but quickly pulled away when I felt blood.
It wouldn't be long before Douglas got back into the car. He must've left to check out whatever he swerved to avoid. Now was my chance.
I felt my way through the seat gap and sat in the driver's seat. I then searched for the button on the armrest that would lock the car. I prayed Douglas wouldn't come back too soon to see my in the front seat.

Bionic Escaped (Lab Rats Fanfiction)
RandomTwo days. That's how long she's been held hostage. After suffering multiple attacks and terrorizing nightmares, Bree is coming to realize her biggest threat is her own emotions. As the twenty-four hour waiting period is winding down on her ransom cl...