AN: Hey guys!!! Just wanted to let you know the rest of the story will be in Bree's P.O.V. unless I say it is Chase's. I think there'll only be one more with Chase's P.O.V., but that's pretty far away. Thanks! :)
Disclaimer: I do not own Lab Rats or the parts of the plot from the book Girl Stolen by April Henry.
"No!" I shouted at the men who were dragging me through the lab. "I need to talk to my dad! Let me go!" I tried to pull away from their strong grips but my efforts were futile. Marcus and Jake just tightened their circulation-cutting holds on my forearms and hauled me away to the cell, the toes of my shoes dragging against the concrete ground.
I heard two voices behind me, one I recognized as safe as the other I associated with evil. I did my best to crane my neck around to see Douglas's office out of the corner of my eye.
"What do you mean you didn't see Trevor recently? He was just here."
"How am I supposed to know? I was with Marcus and Jake on a training mission. I haven't seen him since yesterday. Now stop with the questions and get to your room. We'll start tomorrow."
Start? Start what? And Douglas didn't talk to Trevor yet? I guess we lucked out.
The boys three me into the cell, their super strength propelling me foreword until I slid against the floor. My arm barely saved my face from colliding with the rough ground. When I turned back to face them, they had already activated the blue gate and walked away.
Having nothing better to do, I pulled myself into the wooden bed. I sat with my knees pulled up to my chest and my back resting on the wall. The burns weren't as tender as they were before. When my bionics were activated earlier, they must've healed the wounds a little.
Why didn't dad try to reason with Douglas? I understand that he wouldn't want to pit his children against each other, but not bothering to make a deal to get me back made me feel disowned. Dad didn't want me anymore.
I burried my face into my knees and did something I've been doing a lot lately: I cried. I felt the warm tears sliding down my cheeks as I bit my tounge to keep myself from letting out noisy sobs.
I continued to let the tears fall down my face until I seemed to run out of tears to shed. I could tell my eyes were red and the skin was puffy, but I didn't really care. All I could think of at the moment was how tired I was. Chase was right. I should've taken that nap earlier when I was in his capsule. I felt completely drained of my energy.
I repositioned myself on the wood shelf with my hands beneath my head as a makeshift pillow. It was defidently not the most comfortable place to sleep, but I was too exhausted to care.
It didn't take too long for me to force all the negative thoughts out of my head so I could sleep peacefully.
"Bree . . . Bree? Bree, wake up."
Still half asleep, I turned around to face the other direction. I groaned to tell whoever was disturbing me to leave me be. I didn't need a watch to tell me that it was still late at night.
"Bree? It's Chase. C'mon, you have to get up now. I need to tell you something." He put his had on my shoulder and rolled me over again. My mind was still groggy from sleeping, but when I remembered where I was, my eyes shot open and I sat straight up on the bed.
"What's going on?"
"Calm down," he soothed, pulling his hand away. "I just needed to talk to you. It's about Douglas and Trevor."

Bionic Escaped (Lab Rats Fanfiction)
SonstigesTwo days. That's how long she's been held hostage. After suffering multiple attacks and terrorizing nightmares, Bree is coming to realize her biggest threat is her own emotions. As the twenty-four hour waiting period is winding down on her ransom cl...