Disclaimer: I do not own Lab Rats or the parts of the plot that are from the book "Girl Stolen" by April Henry.
Chase's P.O.V.
She was able to beat me. I had years of training, yet she won the mock fight. All thanks to me and my brilliance.
When I tricked her into thinking I'd take her back to the cell, something snapped inside her. I could tell just by the look in her eyes. The determination shown through them like a candle in a dim corridor. She overpowered me without mercy; just like Douglas tried to teach me to do.
I always refused to enflict harm on Marcus and his accomplices. I just couldn't do it. No matter how much they torture me. It just wasn't right. No one deserves to suffer for no reason.
Surely I don't deserve the torture I endure. I don't know what I would do if I found out I was being tortured for a specific reason. Douglas seems to think it was my fault my mom left. At least, that's what Marcus told me when I was little. He said it was my fault Douglas grew cold-hearted towards us. I was the reason training was brutal. My actions turned Douglas into a crime-addicted torture machine.
"Alright, Bree," I said, returning to reality. "We should take a break. Then we'll work on some strength."
She nodded, a small grin tugging at her lips. Bree was really commited to training. She was more motivated than I ever was, that's for sure. For me, training had always meant grueling hours of combat skills and countless physical and mental assessments, not to mention the side order of abuse that was usually dealt outwith failure of these tasks. Training was basically another one of Douglas's excruciating punishments.
"I'll be right back. I'm going to grab some water bottles. We need to stay hydrated during training," I announced before dashing out of the training room and down the hall to the kitchen.
As I opened our grimey fridge, my eyes landed on the cracked indent embedded in the wall.
I immediately engaged my force field and looked around for any sign of movement. In the corner that Trevor was standing in, a smoldering cigarette appeared out of nowhere and was pressed into the ashtray. A fresh one started to slide out of the open box, and I knew he had moved. I quickly morphed my force field into a sphere and shot it at where my mathematical analysis calculated the most likely spot he'd be. I heard a loud grunt, and saw something collide with the wall, making a Trevor-sized indent.
There were some ripples in the air before Trevor's body began to take form. He was leaning against the wall where the dent was, clutching his stomach.
I smirked at the memory of outsmarting Trevor. It was kind of fun to have superior intelligence over someone who is older than me. It almost gave me a sense of relief, like age doesn't matter. Young doesn't mean inferior.
But then, I remembered Trevor's lingering words. "I will get revenge," he had said. "One way or another." I didn't know why these specific phrases were stored away in my brain, but they made me feel... jumpy. Maybe a little creeped out or skiddish. Watched even. I loathed this feeling. This weakness.
I was genuinely scared. The thought of him randomly attacking me frightened me. Maybe age did have an infuence on ranking. He was older, therefore more superior. Trevor would always have more experiences in the world to redicule me with. Trevor and Marcus would always win every fight; every battle; every skirmish; everything. Yes, Jake is their age too, but he has the mental capacity of a hamster. Nothing about him scared me, except his strength.
Pushing all of the negative thoughts away, I grabbed a few water bottles and shut the refridgerator door before making my way back to the training room, where Bree was sure to be.
My assumption was none other than correct. Bree stood by Trevor's speed treadmill once again, admiring the high-speed controls. I could see her wistfully finger the loose speed knob before trailing her hand down the support bars.
"Not yet," I said, startling Bree so much that she jumped. She really jumped. She flew about eight feet in the air. Good thing the ceiling is pretty high, otherwise she'd be knocked unconscious.
"You scared me, Chase! Jeez!" she breathed, holding a hand to her chest in an attempt to calm her probably racing heart. This was unbelievable.
"Bree," I started slowly, as to not startle her again. "do you know what just happened?"
Now she just looked plain confused. She shook her head, knitting her eyebrows together. So her jumping was involuntary...
Even I was a bit puzzled as to how she could jump so high so easily and without knowing it. It was truly a mystery. A mystery that I was determined to solve. If it'll get Bree closer to the end of her training, I was all for it. But my superior brain was having trouble coming up with a logical hypothesis. It just didn't make any sense.
In order to jump that great of a height, she's need to have an ubelieveable amount of agility. Wait a minute. Agility. Yes! That's it!
"Bree, you just jumped an impossible height. When I scared you, you got an adrenaline rush as your heart rate increased. That adrenaline must be a natural fuel source your chip, therefore unloc-"
"Chase, I have no idea what you're saying," Bree exclaimed, crossing her arms over her chest and staring numbly at me.
"Bree, listen. I made you unlock your agility, which is a side benefit of your speed. You're almost to the point of discovering all if your bionic abilities."
AN: Yay! Bree's almost there! I know the story may seem to be moving fast, but for what I have planned, this is the perfect pace. MWAHAHAHA!!!!
Ahem... uh, sorry about that. Umm, so yeah...
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Until next time...

Bionic Escaped (Lab Rats Fanfiction)
RandomTwo days. That's how long she's been held hostage. After suffering multiple attacks and terrorizing nightmares, Bree is coming to realize her biggest threat is her own emotions. As the twenty-four hour waiting period is winding down on her ransom cl...