Training the young mages, The night meeting

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Akira P.O.V

After getting home i talk to Shirou and Sakura about what happen at school and they told me and Saber that there is another master that is a student that place a drain field around the school draining the mana from students and teachers, and that woman happens to be that student servant. After scolding Shirou for being reckless i ask Sakura and Shirou to meet me in the dojo in five minutes, I ask Saber to come with me too .

Saber: Why are we here in the dojo?

"Well after what Shirou did i thought why not train them to defend themselves"

Saber: I was thinking the same thing, but who is going to train who?

"I was thinking you can train Sakura and i will train Shirou"

Saber nodded, we waited for exactly five minutes and they showed up

"Good you guys made it here"

I gave them both a bamboo sword

I gave them both a bamboo sword

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Sakura: Are we going to train?

Saber: That's correct, since today incident Aki decided that we should train you guys to defend yourselves if we are not around

Shirou: I see, so who is going first?

"That would be me and you Shirou so get ready, For this one i want you to attack me"

Shirou nodded and I got into my position and so did He. Shirou was the first to strike but his attack was sloppy trying to hit my arm so i block his swing and hit him in the chest with the back of the handle making him fall on his back.

Shirou: Ow ow ow, did you really had to hit that hard?

"I would be lying if i did but no i held back, when you are in combat with an enemy they won't go easy on you so it is important to not hold back, now from the top"

Shirou got back up while i got back in my position again, This time it looks like he is trying a new position. He charge at me again but this time trying to hit my right side so i side step to the left and kick him in the left leg, making him fall on his right knee while i held the bamboo sword to his neck.

"Nice try but i know you can do better, try again"

Shirou: Ok i think i got this

Saber P.O.V

Shirou got back on his feet while Akira waited for him to make his move. Shirou went ahead and try to hit Akira in the head but Akira block it and went to hit Shirou on the arm to see Shirou barely dodge it but Akira spin around and stop when the sword was close to Shirou neck

Akira smile at Shirou

Akira: Excellent Shirou you are getting the hang of it, let's keep going

They went at it for a while, Shirou is tired but Akira is Smiling.

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