Double Date gone wrong, Change the future

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Akira P.O.V

I woke up early in the morning and train till the others wake up, I still can't shake this feeling something bad is going to happen. After training i went inside to see Shirou and Saber at the dinning table

"Morning guys where's Sakura?"

Shirou: She said that one of her friends needed her help so she left a while ago

"I see"

Strange, i didn't see Sakura leave from the house, maybe i didn't notice because of training. I sat down next to Saber to see Rin open the door

Saber: Good morning, Rin

"Morning Toshaka"

Rin: Morning...

Saber: You seem to have slept quite soundly last night.

Rin: Not really. Someone was making noise past midnight

"My mistake, i got hungry and decided to make a midnight snack"

Rin looked at me but decided to let it go

Rin: Anyway, we're going out today. Hurry up and get ready.

Shirou: Going out? Where?

Rin: The next town over.

Shirou: To do what?

Rin: What else? To have fun, of course. It's a date!

Shirou: A date? Between who and who?

Rin: You and me

Shirou: Oh okay. You and i are- Wh-what!?

"Make this a double date Rin, me and Saber will be joining as well, i mean if Saber accepts"

Saber: Of course i would, as long as it's with you

Rin: Then it's settle we are going to have a double date


I got dress and waited for the others to show up, Saber just got out of the room with a new outfit

I got dress and waited for the others to show up, Saber just got out of the room with a new outfit

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Saber: What do you think?

"You look adorable Saber"

Then everyone showed up along with Fujimura

Fujimura: what's this about you going out on a date with Toshaka-san? And you going out with Saber?

"I wanted to spend time with her so why not go on a double date with these two"

Fujimura: This is what it all comes down to!

She said while elbowing Shirou

Shirou: Stop messing around. I don't know what's going on here, either.

Fujimura: Look at you, all embarrassed. I'm so jealous! Oh, to be young!

Rin: Don't you havea date today, too, Fujimura-sensei?

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