Time to be Alive, The true purpose of an Ideal

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Akira P.O.V

I woke up with a sleeping Saber so i moved her gently and went to the dinning room to see the time in the afternoon. Might as well get lunch started, i went to the kitchen and started making food til Shirou and Sakura came

Sakura: Hi dad

"Oh hey guys"

Shirou: You should rest you and Saber both got hurt

"I'll be fine like i said that punch felt like nothing"

That was when Sakura touch my shoulder

Sakura: Dad please go sit down, me and Shirou will make lunch

I sigh

"Ok i will sit at the dinning table"

I went to sit down while i wait for lunch, Saber then came to the dinning room

"Morning Sleepy beauty"

Saber: Hello Aki~

She sat next to me while they prepared lunch, that was till the doorbell rang so Shirou went to go answer it. Not even ten minutes has pass and we saw Toshaka entering the room, She joined us for lunch. After lunch we talked about our next step to take down Caster

Rin: So in the end, our only option against Caster is to resort to using force

Saber: I believe so. There is a powerful barrier against spiritual beings erected around the mountain. The front gate is the only way in

"I really don't like long stairs but then again during my time there were stairs that goes up to almost the height of a skyscraper into my palace"

Sakura: Really?


Shirou: So if we force our way onto the temple grounds, Caster will be waiting

Rin: I supposed... Wait, why are you sitting so far away?

Shirou: Because you poached my usual place

"Let it go buddy there are always other fishes in the seas"

Everyone laugh beside Shirou who just pouted

Rin: Anyway, once we're on the grounds, the question is how we'll corner Caster? If we play our cards wrong, she might take out all of Ryuudou Temple

Saber: True, that is something Caster could do

"Why is it that Casters are the only ones causing more trouble then others"

Sakura: What do you mean by that dad?

"Another story for a different time Sakura"

I check the time to see it was still early so i got up about to leave

Saber: Where are you going Aki?

"I'm going to go see Gil"

Rin: Who is Gil?

"My brother the one who helped me fight Phoenix"

Saber: Do you think he change Aki?

"I... Don't know, when we met up he apologized to me about what happen and when i looked into his eyes he was telling the truth"

Saber nodded, i was about to head out through the door till

Saber: Wait!

I turned around to see Saber

"Yes Saber"

Saber: Please be Safe

I chuckle and went up to her and kissed her while she kissed back. We stopped after a while

Fate Stay Night Saber X Akira OC FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now