Explanation (Epilogue)

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Akira P.O.V

Zelretch: I know you are confuse so i will explain, you see i was bored with the holy grail war being only seven masters and Servants so i created an alternative timeline before the fourth holy grail war to where there was two fractions. The red fraction and the black fraction, each one has seven masters and servants participating to fight in the Greater Grail War

"How did that turn out?"

Zelretch:... I don't want to talk about it. But then it brought me an idea what if i added an extra servant to the mix in this timeline of the fourth holy grail war, and i got to say i was not disappointed when i i did. Not only did you change the timeline you also sacrifice yourself to save your love ones. So when the fifth holy grail war was coming i decided to do the same but with two making it eight servants

"Ok what you did was crazy but what will happen now since the holy hasn't appear yet?"

Zelretch: Simple since you guys defeated Phoenix i made the other servants go back to the throne of heros without fighting each other

"What about Gil?

Zelretch: Yup it took me a little magic but i was able to get him back too

"Can i at least say good bye to them before i go?"

Zelretch: Ok

Sakura P.O.V

It's over, the servants are gone which means that the holy grail is over. I didn't get to say goodbye to dad, i looked at the plushy that my dad got me when i was a little kid

 I didn't get to say goodbye to dad, i looked at the plushy that my dad got me when i was a little kid

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Shirou: Are you ok Sakura?

"I'm fine it's just-"

???: I didn't get to say my goodbyes

I turn to see my dad so i hugged him and he hugged

Akira: I will miss you Sakura, Shirou, and Rin

Rin looked at him

Akira: Please watch over them they tend to keep getting into bizarre adventurers


Everyone started to laugh a bit

Rin: Ok i will

Akira: Shirou remember what i said don't give up on your ideals, no matter what

Shirou: I will, thank you

Akira: Sakura i love you with all of ny heart so please live to your fullest and always remember... I will never forget you guys

"I will, goodbye dad"

Akira: Goodbye everyone

Then he vanished leaving only us don't worry Dad, i will keep that promise. See you later in the future dad

??? P.O.V

The casino event is about to start and i can't wait to summon Artoria Ruler and the new servants.  This is going to be the best event ever!!!

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