CHAPTER ONE: a Man Named Dave

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My only thoughts were "fuck you" as I walked out the door of my apartment. I was clearly swamped with loads of schoolwork that I'd already been putting off for weeks, and now my roommate needs me to go out and get her groceries at the store two miles away in the rain. And of course, she couldn't do it because her tendonitis was flaring up. She never pays me back. Not that I need it, but it'd still be nice for her to show some decency when I'm constantly running her errands when she has nothing better to do. I picked up some of the things she asked for- generic only since I doubted she was going to pay me back for it. I wasn't honestly sure if I had enough money for all the shit. My parents are totally rich, but I think I need a limit. So they send me like $100 a month, but I usually blow it on drugs and beer in the first week. I got in the surprisingly long line and sighed. I checked my watch, it was already 7:45... I needed to finish at least a fourth of my assignments by midnight or I'd fail this semester.

"Hey, I like your shirt," someone said as they tapped my shoulder. I turned around with a sour expression. He sounded sarcastic, so I was about to make some snarky comment, but quickly realized he was the most attractive man I'd ever seen in my entire life. I looked down at my shirt, not really knowing what I'd thrown on before I left the apartment. Live like a suicide by guns n' roses. Huh. he was hot and had a good taste in music. I couldn't help but stare at his face. I noticed that's what I was doing and quickly looked away, blushing. He chuckled.

"Thanks. Yours is also nice," stammered. Damn it. Usually, I'm not so taken aback by cute guys. I always have something witty to say... but I was being genuine about his Alice Cooper shirt.

"I- think it's your turn," he said politely. I snapped up and turned around, embarrassed. I was about three dollars short. Shit. I never knew what to do when that happened...

"Do you want to put something back?" the cashier asked me. I nodded, but the man behind me pushed me aside

"Don't worry, I've got it covered for my friend here" friend? Who even was this guy? I thought it was odd, he looked like an angry person but was being so kind to me. I blushed even harder than when he was directly interacting with me.

"I-i'll pay you back, I swear to god," I said quietly as the cashier took his money.

"Don't swear by something that doesn't exist... you could pay me back by going on a date with me" he said, grinning. I scoffed. He was joking. He had to be, right? I looked like complete shit right now, there's no way he wants to take a street urchin-looking thing like me on a date.

"Right, yeah that sounds like a terrific idea," I said sarcastically and took my things "thanks for the stuff" I walked out of the store and down the street a ways before he caught up with me.

"I wasn't joking. I think you're super cute.. There's something about you" I looked at him as we walked and smiled

"Sorry, i don't date guys who drink cheap beer" I eyed the two six-packs he had in his arms. He stopped walking, grinning at me with great excitement.

"I'll go back and get better beer, then. If you'll go on a date with me" I was simply astounded by his persistence. I didn't even know his name. And he didn't know mine. That's what icked me most. He was only going off the base assumption I have a good personality just because I was pretty. I thought that wasn't very smart. If I gave in to that, who knows where I'd end up. On the other hand... he was really cute and offered to buy expensive beer for me. But saying isn't doing...

"Alright. Go get better beer. I'll wait" I shrugged. I'd give him ten minutes, then I'd leave. It was already 8:12, and I wasn't planning on wasting my stupid grades on a stupid guy who probably just thinks I'm some prize he can win if he says please enough. He was back in a whopping three minutes, panting his lungs out. And he didn't have beer in his hands, he had the most expensive vodka they sold there.

Chosen Ones // A Dave Mustaine FanficWhere stories live. Discover now