CHAPTER FOUR: When the Wife is Away

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(HEY GUYS SO- i'm like sick as hell:') so if there's parts that just make no sense that's why. enjoy!)

"Hey- fancy running into you here" i heard james call after me as i was walking home from class. Dave had something to do so he couldn't take me.

"Oh, so you guys are both stalking me now?" i asked and smiled "aren't you like a celebrity? You probably shouldn't be seen with the common folk" i joked and he laughed

"Not stalking, just- looking" he put his arm around my shoulder like he did at the club the night before "sorry about that last night.. I didn't mean to start anything with you guys" i smiled and shrugged

"It's all fine now" then there was silence as we walked "so" i said awkwardly "can i meet the rest of the band?"

"Oh- right- how'd you figure out who i am?" he asked chuckling

"Dave took me to some band thing- kinda cool. Then he told me who you are" he nodded

"I was being serious when i said he's no good for you- i think you should kiss me instead" i blushed and looked down. Part of me felt this was wrong- but the other part told me it was fine. If he's not going to stick to me, i won't either. I wished it wasn't so complicated.

"I think that would be fine" i whispered and he grinned wildly at me. I put my arms around his neck and kissed him. I couldn't tell which of the boys was better. They were both- perfect.

"That was more than fine" he said and we continued walking and flirting until we reached my apartment. We just stood there "so where is the old ball and chain anyways?" he asked. I rolled my eyes

"At our house cooking and cleaning" i said sarcastically "no, i don't know, actually. He just said he had something to take care of.. Probably fucking some girl" i shrugged

"Oh- you're okay with that?"

"If i wasn't i wouldn't have just kissed you, dummy" i replied. He seemed confused

"So you're not together?" i shook my head

"We are.. He told me i was special- and that he needed to work on his commitment issues before he messed it up and lost me or something"

"That sounds like a big pile of bullshit" james said "you deserve better than that... why don't i take you to my place and you can meet the other guys" he offered. I hesitated. Dave told me he'd meet me at 6 to go out for dinner, and it was 4:15 now.

"Sure- let me just go drop off my stuff" i said, expecting him to stay there, but instead he followed me eagerly. I set my books and jacket down on my bed and turned around and there was james- playing with every little thing on my desk.

"Can i raid your fridge?" he asked sincerely "lars forgot to go shopping, and i don't wanna go" lars? What kind of rat name is that?

"We don't really have anything either, we could go to the store together if you'd like" i said "i got a bunch of money last night from my dad" he grinned

"I'd go anywhere with you" he said and we made our way out. By the time we were done at the store, it was 5, and when we got to james' house it was 5:30. Shit.

"I can't stay long" i said as he led me in the house. It was old, and there were two other guys sitting on the couch. It seemed like a whole different dynamic than in dave's apartment. They seemed less friendly there, but here they were comfortable. One had long curly black hair, and the other had long brown hair. He had an odd face, and i couldn't tell if he was attractive or not. But the black haired one was adorable. They both looked up at me from their magazines at the same time.

"What'd you say your name was?" james whispered to me

"Violet" i whispered back

"Hey guys- this is violet, dave's girlfriend." the black haired one's nose wrinkled. He looked upset by that. He looked me up and down

"Can i-" he asked james, raising his eyebrows

"No, asshole" he said "i mean- if she wants to. But if she's down for that i want her first" i laughed, assuming they were all joking. "I kissed her last night, and dave caught us" he smirked. The brown haired one laughed and said

"Was he mad?" he had an odd accent- i wasn't sure from where.

"What do you think" james replied "of course he was mad"

"Serves him right" the black haired one said. He seemed hurt almost. I sat on the carpeted floor in front of the coffee table, the two boys on the other side. The brown haired one looked at me

"Dave fucked kirk here's girlfriend to get back at him"

"Get back at him for what?" i asked, picking at the hole in my jeans

"Oh-" he looked up at james "she doesn't know?"

"She doesn't even know who you are, lars" so he was the one that didn't go shopping. Both of the boys' eyes lit up "hey-" james said when he noticed "go easy on her" i blushed

"I'm kirk" the curly haired one said warmly and smiled even warmer, he was really adorable "this is lars, his cock is small" he said pointing to the boy next to him. I giggled. James sat next to me on the floor with a bag of chips, which kirk immediately snatched from his hands

"I'm starving" he said, his mouth full "thanks" james rolled his eyes. I wasn't really sure what i should be doing. They all talked about music and interactions with other people from bands, or fans. As they all talked, another one joined us who was tall and skinny. He had long dark brown hair and was quiet. James grabbed my hand and held it in his lap without even looking at me. Maybe twenty minutes had gone by and james stood up, taking me to another room where we were alone. He pulled me close gently, putting his hands on my waist and kissing me softly. As we kissed we made our way to what i assumed to be his bed, and he ended up on top of me, kissing me just as soft, but with much more tongue. He was so sweet and gentle. It was funny that i had the best of both worlds. Dave seemed more rough, but james was thoughtful and careful, slow. I loved both of it. He snaked my pants of, and i was letting him. It sort of felt wrong, but it also felt incredibly right. I kissed his neck and he took off my shirt, too. I turned to look at the clock. It was 6:30. Fuck. fuck fuck fuck.

"I have to leave" i said and pushed him off of me, putting my clothes back on "i have a date" james looked sad.

"But i want you" he whined and i smiled


"You're different, you know" he said looking at my eyes "there's something special about you" i blushed.

"I really seem to be popular with the thrash metal guys" i said, then said my goodbyes to all of the boys and ran home. I got back panting, but dave wasn't waiting. It was 7, now, so i wasn't really expecting him to wait, although it would be nice... i wondered how mad he was. Now it was my turn to wait in the rain at his doorstep to apologize. Ugh. 

Chosen Ones // A Dave Mustaine FanficWhere stories live. Discover now