CHAPTER EIGHT: Less than a Week and It's Gone to Hell

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(HELLO GUYS sorta late chapter today i was- literally doing nothing but listening to mayhem. anyways i had help from my BESTH FRIeND her name is aLlIe and she does meth professionally as well as write smut with me for the past three years? two? i don't know. we're the best fanfiction writers to ever exist. sorry to @slashscurls because i said you would like it- it actually went in a different direction that i was thinking. you'll get your revenge.) ! les godt !

"I have something to tell you" i told dave across the dinner table. We were on our thursday date. He'd been gone almost a week for a little promo tour in chicago. It'd been about eight days since james left. It wasn't so bad. Usually he called me twice a day if i was at the house. But each night he called at 9:00 pm on the dot.

"What's that, love" he asked me, looking adoradely into my eyes, smiling

"I moved while you were gone" he turned his head, quizzically


"Yeah" i nodded and smiled, lying "i wanted it to be a surprise, we can go there after dinner" i said "i do have some roomates, but they're going to be out of town for a few months" i couldn't believe i'd just lied to him like that.

"Sure, i'd love to see it" he smiled, taking a bite of food. I smiled back, grabbing his hand and holding it closer to me. This time really did make me feel closer to dave.

Back at the house he nodded "well it's much cleaner than my place" he said. He wasn't just patronizing me, he never cleaned. Sometimes i did it when i was over there because it made me so mad. I giggled

"Here let me show you my room" i grabbed his hand and led him to it, him looking all around, taking in every detail "nice, huh?" he nodded

"So you're roommates are going to be gone for how long?" he asked me, sitting on the edge of my bed. I shrugged

"Not really sure. Maybe six months?" i lied. He raised an eyebrow

"Thats- weird.. But anyways" good, he had a point "how about i move in with you until they get back" he pulled me by my arm closer to him. I looked to the clock. 8:50.

"Dave" i smiled "as much as i would love playing house with you, you have a band and you've been spending too much time with me lately. I think david might kill me"

"If anyone is going to kill you, its me" he growled and pulled me on his lap. I giggled "oh yes" he said and bit my bottom lip. We'd still never had sex. I tried not to have sex early with guys i actually liked. It didn't matter with guys i knew i'd never stay with for long. I put my arms around his neck "you're so pretty" he said, kissing me quickly over and over. I blushed

"You're only saying that cause you want some" i smiled and kissed him quickly back. His brow furrowed and he picked me up, then dropping me on the bed, getting on top of me

"Maybe i do- maybe i don't. Doesn't change the facts, love" he growled again, but this time very quietly in my ear. I giggled

"Well you're not getting anything regardless of how much you compliment me" he got off me, laying next to me on his back. He put his arm straight up in the air- i was confused, so i reached up and held it

"Are you a virgin?" he asked me. I laughed

"Does it matter?" he shrugged

"I guess not. But we haven't fucked yet. And i'm speculating between you're a scared virgin, or you don't find me attractive"

"I'm not a virgin" i rolled my eyes "i attach no value to that word. You've either had sex or you haven't it doesn't change you. I'm in the sex haver category" i laughed softly "and i think you're very handsome" i turned my head and kissed his cheek. Soft.

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