Chapter Two: A Man Named James

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"All right, we gotta stop at my place before the bar" dave told me as we walked down the street. The rain had let up considerably, it was only barely sprinkling now. It was almost dark. The streetlamps were on, but it wasn't completely dusk yet.

"For what?" i asked, glazing at him every few seconds. It gave me a little rush when my brain realized he was real and actually walking next to me.

"Cash" he pulled out his wallet and showed me how empty it was "vodka is expensive" he chuckled "oh and... wait outside. You don't need to come up and meet my- roommates"

"No way" i said "i'd love to meet them" he rolled his eyes and grinned as we walked in his apartment building. As we got further and further down the hallway, i heard very familiar music being blasted louder and louder. Was that megadeth they were playing? I'd never met anyone that liked them before.. Maybe this dave guy was a good chance to meet new friends, too.

"Is that megadeth?" i asked "sounds like mechanix.. Unless its the four horseman, but it's too fast" he surprised me by stopping and looking me right in the eye

"You're being serious?" he asked and laughed "you- hold on. Wait right here i'll be back to get you" he said and scrambled in the door of the apartment. I was so confused. What was his deal? Did i get it wrong? Was that neither of the songs? Maybe he was a gatekeeper or something. The music stopped and i heard some yelling, then dave opened up the door again.

"Come on in, babe" he grabbed my hand and dragged me into the room. A whole room of cute guys with instruments stared me up and down. The older one at the drumset catcalled me and dave pulled me to what i hoped was his room. It looked like he shared it with someone else.

"Another one, dave?" one who followed us said

"Yeah" dave said. The boy looked younger than dave by quite a bit. He had a baby face and long brown hair. He was adorable.

"My name is david, if you didn't already know," he turned to me "i doubt we'll see each other again, well you'll see me- but is there any chance i could take you into the bathroom and have sex with you?" i laughed. Why did everyone expect me to know them?

"No thank you" i smiled and got closer to dave a bit "i think you're too young for me"

"Im twenty-two!" he exclaimed, embarrassed.

"Yeah, and she's mine" dave said not looking up from searching through every crevice in the room "did you take my money?"

"Under my mattress" he turned back to me "the offer still stands- then you could brag to all your friends that you've been with two mem-" dave cut him off sharply

"Found it. Let's go" he gave a snappy look at david. I was too caught up in dave's looks to even wonder what they were talking about. My ass got slapped by one of them- dave smacked whichever one did it. I think it was the guy on the drums.

"Hands off my toy, gar" he snapped and slammed the door "i told you, you should have stayed outside"

"Are they all your roommates?" i asked as we walked down the stairs and back out onto the street. It was pretty dark now. He shook his head

"No way. Just the one that talked to you. The other guy were just practicing with us. I was supposed to be with them, but got distracted" he smirked and kissed my cheek.

"Oh, wow, cool. So you're in a real band then?"

"You could say that" he chuckled "i like you a lot" he said and intertwined his fingers with mine

"I like you a lot too" i said softly

"Your hands are cold"

"Don't let go then"

We went to a club, not a bar. I loved clubs but i usually had nobody to go with. There was no way i was going to a club by myself. A man approached me with a smile on his face. He was being very friendly, and had to shout because the music was so loud. He was getting a little bit to close to me, though. Dave was off talking to some friend he had, and i felt a little trapped in the conversation. I felt the man casually put his hand on mine. I laughed awkwardly but then dave came striding over

"Get your hand off my girlfriend" he said with a cool expression. I turned to him, blushing


"Mhmmm" he leaned in and purred in my ear "not exclusive, love, you haven't won yet" he then bit my ear and was about to pull away when i pulled him in for a passionate kiss. Was he drunk? "god i hate you" he said out of breath as i pulled away from the kiss.

"Why's that?" i asked, grabbing his hand

"Let's go" he said and pulled me off to a couch. It was that type of club. It was really fancy, i wondered how we got in. i thought this place was only for famous people. He sat down and patted his lap for me to sit, so i did. He leaned his head back "you're making me soft" he said

"Oh.." i replied and he laughed

"Not like that, stupid. My dick is just fine thanks to you- i meant i'm being nice. I'm never nice"

"That's not a bad thing"

"It is to me"

"Then don't take me on a date" i said, getting off his lap and crossing my arms.

"You're being ridiculous, that wasn't an insult, violet"

"If you don't like the way i make you feel like acting, don't be around me" i said and got up, grabbing my coat about to head for the door. I looked behind me, and he didn't get up to go after me. But while my head was turned, i bumped into someone.

"Im so sorry!" i shouted over the music, he was- very attractive.

"Don't worry about it!" he shouted back "what's your name?"

"Violet" i said. He smiled at me

"Can i buy you a drink?" he asked. I hesitated and looked back where dave was sitting, some girl was talking to him.. That didn't make me feel great. But he said not exclusive, so i could do whatever i want.

"I'd love that" i replied. He grinned hugely and put his arm around my shoulder, taking me over to the bar. He was tall. About as tall as dave, maybe a bit taller. He had long hair too, but it wasn't red, it was dirty blonde. He looked a little younger than dave, as well. He looked more around my age, actually.

"So what brings you here?" he asked as we sat in a little bit quieter spot. I blushed

"Well i was here on a date.. But he pissed me off and i was about to leave when i bumped into you" i said and laughed softly

"Well, that sucks but now you're here with me" he smiled warmly and i smiled back

"You know, i bet you two would get along.. You're practically identical in style except he has red hair... anyways" i went on "i'm sorry, but i didn't catch you're name" he looked confused

"Red hair? In this club? Sounds like a guy i know... i'm james. James hetfield" i smiled, but wasn't sure what to say next. I took a drink of my beer "would you mind it if i kissed you?" i shook my head

"I was hoping you might ask that" i giggled and he slowly went in, kissing me very softly at first, until we were full on making out

"Come on, you shithead! Stay out of my personal stuff!" i heard dave yell at us. I blushed and sunk down in my seat. The guy named james flipped him off, and continued kissing me roughly. He then stood up and pulled me with him. But dave pushed himself in between us, while also pushing me behind him, like he was protecting me. "You've fucked my life up enough already, james. Leave her out of it" i rolled my eyes

"I don't know what bullshit you guys have between you two- but i can make my own decisions"

"You should come with me, violet" james said "this guy is no good" i groaned

"I'm going home" i spat and left. 

Chosen Ones // A Dave Mustaine FanficWhere stories live. Discover now